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2024 Events

Gibsey, Flowers, wine, bar
Chronic Cellars, Peachy Canyon, Thibido Winery

Upcoming Event

Enjoy an after­noon with the wine­mak­ers from Chron­ic Cel­lars, Peachy Canyon, and Thibido Winery.

Taste a wide array of wines from three unique winer­ies in the bar­rel room over­look­ing the vineyard.

Light appe­tiz­ers pro­vid­ed by local favorite, Paso Cater­ing. Take advan­tage of this oppor­tu­ni­ty to stock your cel­lar with a vari­ety of wines avail­able to taste and pur­chase on site.

Are you a club member?

Please know that we look for­ward to wel­com­ing you with spe­cial perks dur­ing the event!

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Gibsey, Flowers, wine, bar


Wine Club, red wine, white wine, spring 2024, thibido
Wine Festival Paso Robles, Pouring Wine, Thibido, Gibsey

Good Summer Fun

LAST DITCH” Mak­er’s Mar­ket, Kro­bar Craft Distillery

Fri­day, 5/10/24

Come by KRO­BAR on May 10th, from 4 to 9 pm, and get the per­fect gift for your mom, or for you! Saunter through the booths of 12 local small busi­ness­es and find the gem. Jew­el­ry, wood­craft, beau­ty, local art, wine… there’s some­thing to please everyone! 

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WINE FES­TI­VAL, Paso Robles

Sat­ur­day, 5/18/24

100+ of Paso’s best winer­ies, craft dis­tillers, live enter­tain­ment, com­pli­men­ta­ry culi­nary bites, food for pur­chase, local arti­san ven­dors, com­mem­o­ra­tive wine glass, and much more await!

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Sat­ur­day, 5/25/24

5 – 7pm

We’ll be pour­ing our wines at the bou­tique Pacif­ic Motel and hope to see you there. Come taste our newest wine releas­es by the cozy firepit! 

The Pacif­ic Motel, 399 S Ocean Ave, Cayucos

Dinner with the author AND Thibido WInery at Piccolo HOtel


DIN­NER WITH THE AUTHOR x THIBIDO WINES, Paso Rob­les’ Pic­co­lo Hotel

Wednes­day, 6/12/24

Edi­ble Mag­a­zine San Luis Obis­po invites you to break bread with author,Lori Rice, and toast to her new bookThe Cal­i­for­nia Farm Table Cook­book: 100 Recipes from the Gold­en State (Coun­try­man Press). 

Join us at The Pic­co­lo in Paso Rob­les for drinks in the Piper Wine Lounge and then din­ner in the stun­ning, bricked court­yard. Dine on a sea­son­al four course meal by Exec­u­tive Chef Joe Mont­gomery, inspired by recipes from the book. Local, bou­tique and lim­it­ed-runThibido wines will be thought­ful­ly paired with the evening’s meal. 

In atten­dance will be author Lori Rice, exec­u­tive chef Joe Mont­gomery, Thibido pro­pri­etors Gib­sey and Josh Beck­ett, and fel­low Edi­ble Mag­a­zine com­mu­ni­ty mem­bers at this very spe­cial event.

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SAVOR SAN JOSE, San Jose Quakes Stadium

Thurs­day, 6/13/24

This walk-around tast­ing event will bring an ele­vat­ed des­ti­na­tion show­case to our Paso fans in San Jose at the Quakes Sta­di­um, Pay­Pal Park. Guests can enjoy Paso Rob­les winer­ies, brew­eries, dis­til­leries, attrac­tions, and more in this icon­ic sta­di­um set­ting in San Jose.

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White wine, cheers, sunset, vineyard, Rick, Gibsey
Josh Beckett, opening wine, vineyard, Ford Truck



1 – 4pm Sat­ur­day, 2/18/24

Taste 300+ wines from over 80 diverse Rhône Rangers mem­bers tout­ed as America’s lead­ing Rhône pro­duc­ers. Held in Paso Rob­les, Thibido wines will be fea­tured at the Grand Tast­ing & Silent Auc­tion. Come taste!

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Region, wine bar, San Luis Obispo, lighting

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11 – 4pm Sat­ur­day, 2/24/24

We’re extend­ing a rare invi­ta­tion to enjoy a semi-pri­vate tast­ing host­ed by Gib­sey & Josh. Guests will tour the win­ery fol­lowed by a seat­ed tast­ing fea­tur­ing all of our cur­rent wines and newest releases.

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5 – 7pm Wednes­day, 2/28/24

Join us in the swanky lounge at Region.Slo to enjoy a flight of Thibido wines. Flights are poured by Josh and Gib­sey and this event is guar­an­teed fun!

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Josh Gibsey Rosé Event Pink

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IZA­KAYA DIN­NER, San Luis Obispo

Mon­day, 3/4/24

Cel­e­brat­ing The 2024 Women’s Week Fes­ti­val! We’ve part­nered with SLO At Her Table and oth­er women-owned busi­ness­es to bring a mul­ti-course, small bites expe­ri­ence along­side local wine pairings.

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Fri­day, 4/12/24

Gib­sey part­ners with local arti­san store, Mor­ro Made, to share our estate wines and enhance your evening stroll and shop­ping at local stores downtown. 

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ROSÉ THE SLO WAY, Hotel San Luis Obispo

Sun­day, 4/21/24

The ulti­mate pink par­ty! Join us at Hotel SLO’s Gar­den to taste 20 pre­mier Rosé wines along with delec­table savory and sweet treats from local favorite pur­vey­ors. Enjoy live enter­tain­ment, fab­u­lous fash­ion, and take home some excit­ing prizes. Pro­ceeds from this event go to sup­port Woods Humane Soci­ety and Cal Poly Schol­ar­ships.

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White wine, cheers, sunset, vineyard, Rick, Gibsey
Wine Club Wines, Truck, Gibsey Beckett, Josh Beckett, Thibido Vineyard



Sat­ur­day, 4/27/24

Mem­bers mark your cal­en­dars! Join Josh and Gib­sey at the fam­i­ly win­ery to taste the new­ly released wines for mem­bers and their guests. The tast­ing will fea­ture our very pop­u­lar Sec­ond Date, a lus­cious white wine of 100% Ver­menti­no vini­fied and aged in ter­ra­cot­ta ampho­ra. The 2022 vin­tage sold out quick! We’ll also offer estate reds and lots of fun wine chat.



Tues­day, 5/7/24

Meet Josh and Gib­sey for an extra­or­di­nary pour­ing expe­ri­ence from Thibido Win­ery at the new­ly mint­ed, Wines On Main in Tem­ple­ton. This quaint lit­tle wine bar fea­tures a vari­ety of fan­tas­tic wines in a cozy set­ting. Come out and meet us at the wine bar!

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