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Our lim­it­ed mem­ber­ship pro­gram is the only way to guar­an­tee access to our newest releas­es. Our mem­bers receive access to pri­vate win­ery events host­ed by own­ers, Gib­sey & Josh.

Become a big part of something small.

Common Club

Our new sub­scrip­tion club is designed to be afford­able and flex­i­ble. Mem­bers choose their wines,the fre­quen­cy of their ship­ments and enjoy an array of benefits:

  • Exclu­sive: Receive access to lim­it­ed pro­duc­tion wines before they sell out
  • Per­son­al­ized: You select the wines and the fre­quen­cy of shipments
  • Con­ve­nient: Club wines shipped direct­ly to you with COM­PLI­MEN­TA­RY SHIPPING
  • Afford­able: 10% off with the aver­age ship­ment cost at $98 (pre-tax)

Casual Club

Mem­bers receive a pre-select­ed ship­ment of three bot­tles in the spring and in the fall. NEW WINES just released in October.

Wines include:

  • Just Because 2023: Car­bon­ic Syrah with sur­pris­ing character
  • Hip­pie Hill 2022: estate Mourvè­dre blend, organ­i­cal­ly farmed {92 pts James Suckling}
  • The Bed­fel­low 2022: estate Syrah tra­di­tion­al­ly vini­fied, 50% whole clus­ter {91 pts Jeb Dunnuck}

With a 10% dis­count and an esti­mat­ed cost of $170 (pre tax+ship) you can be sure to enjoy the newest of Thibido wines.

NEW! Mem­bers receive com­pli­men­ta­ry ship­ping on club releas­es and wine pur­chas­es year round.

Social Club

Mem­bers receive a pre-select­ed ship­ment in spring and fall. NEW CLUB WINES released in October.

Wines include (two bot­tles of each): 

  • Just Because 2023: Car­bon­ic Syrah with sur­pris­ing character
  • Hip­pie Hill 2022: estate Mourvè­dre blend, organ­i­cal­ly farmed {92 pts James Suckling}
  • The Bed­fel­low 2022: estate Syrah tra­di­tion­al­ly vini­fied, 50% whole clus­ter {91 pts Jeb Dunnuck}

Enjoy a 20% dis­count off all wines pur­chased in our online store. The esti­mat­ed cost of each ship­ment is $300 (pre tax+ship).

Mem­bers receive com­pli­men­ta­ry ship­ping on club releas­es and wine pur­chas­es year round.

Exclusive & Limited Membership Purchase

Thibido Win­ery has an exclu­sive and lim­it­ed mem­ber­ship pro­gram, which gives our wine club mem­bers pri­or­i­ty access to our newest releas­es. Sign up, and you can look for­ward to reg­u­lar ship­ments of pre-select­ed bot­tles from our exclu­sive col­lec­tions every April and October.

For an esti­mat­ed price of $170 (pre-tax+shipping), the Casu­al Club mem­bers receive three bot­tles at a 10% dis­count on all wine pur­chas­es with com­pli­men­ta­ry ship­ping all year long.

Social Club mem­bers receive two bot­tles each of the same selec­tion (until we reach full pro­duc­tion) at an esti­mat­ed $300 (pre-tax + ship­ping). Social Mem­bers may also apply their 20% dis­count on all wine pur­chas­es to enjoy more of what Thibido Win­ery has to offer year-round.

Join the Thibido Winery Club

We’d love noth­ing more than to have you as part of our hum­ble Thibido Win­ery club. Be on the exclu­sive Thibido Win­ery ship­ment list today. Sign up for our club, and get the per­fect wines to help grow your col­lec­tion. As a club mem­ber, you’ll receive exclu­sive invi­ta­tions for pri­vate tast­ing appoint­ments host­ed by Gib­sey & Josh. Our wine clubs will reach capac­i­ty and we hope you get on the list.

With your purchase

We’re partnered with 1% For The Planet to do our part in protecting the environment on a global scale.

We also support our local community through MUST! Charities, identifying and supporting the greatest needs of San Luis Obispo County.

Sustainability With Every Purchase

At Thibido Win­ery, we are proud to be able to do what we love best while also doing what we can for the plan­et and our local com­mu­ni­ty. That is why we’ve part­nered with 1% For The Plan­et, a glob­al move­ment ded­i­cat­ed to sup­port­ing envi­ron­men­tal solu­tions through the help of local busi­ness­es and individuals.

We are also work­ing with MUST! Char­i­ties, so we can iden­ti­fy what kind of sup­port our local com­mu­ni­ty in San Luis Obis­po Coun­ty needs and be able to pro­vide them the same.

Thibido Win­ery is proud of our sus­tain­able and envi­ron­men­tal­ly con­sci­en­tious, as well as organ­ic prac­tice. That is why we are very hap­py to be able to extend our sup­port to those who might ben­e­fit from it as well.

Your mem­ber­ship and pur­chas­es mat­ter to us because sup­port­ing our fam­i­ly-owned busi­ness also means sup­port­ing our local com­mu­ni­ty and our advo­ca­cy to bet­ter pro­tect our environment.