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After decades of wine indus­try expe­ri­ence, the plant­i­ng of Thibido Vine­yard inspired us to make wine reflec­tive of our vision. We are mak­ing wines we want to drink in ways we hope will help to pre­serve the planet.



Josh Beck­ett has an old school approach to grow­ing and mak­ing wine with a new school atti­tude. He’s been in the wine indus­try his entire life but con­tin­ues to learn and grow, col­lab­o­rate with his peers and try new things in the vine­yard and in the win­ery.

As a kid, Josh grew up at Peachy Canyon Win­ery with his fam­i­ly, founders Doug and Nan­cy Beck­ett. He worked in every aspect of wine, learn­ing tech­niques and farm­ing prac­tices from leg­ends and col­leagues in Paso Rob­les and through­out Cal­i­for­nia. In the ear­ly 2000s Josh worked at Cape Mentelle Win­ery in Mar­garet Riv­er, Aus­tralia and returned to Paso with a few new tricks as head wine­mak­er at Peachy Canyon Win­ery. Lat­er, he shook things up with his broth­er, Jake Beck­ett, and their brand, Chron­ic Cel­lars. Chron­ic was an out­let for Josh to exper­i­ment with uncon­ven­tion­al blends, small lots of fruit and new age wine­mak­ing tech­niques. After sell­ing Chron­ic Cel­lars to WX Brands, Josh devel­oped and plant­ed Thibido vine­yard in 2018 and 2019. This vine­yard is the cul­mi­na­tion of Josh’s expe­ri­ence, plant­ed with sev­er­al vari­etals, root­stocks and trel­lis­ing styles in order to max­i­mize the qual­i­ty of the fruit and min­i­mize the need for over­ly inva­sive winemaking.

wine focused

Thibido Win­ery has allowed Josh to con­tin­ue to evolve his cre­ativ­i­ty in the vine­yard and in the cel­lar as he con­tin­ues to lav­ish the vine­yard with his time and atten­tion, he is play­ing in the cel­lar with car­bon­ic wines, co-fer­ments, amphoras and new vari­etals and blends. His love for wine­grow­ing and mak­ing shows in every bottle.

Josh’s comitt­ment to com­mu­ni­ty is unwa­ver­ing and he can often be found col­lab­o­rat­ing with his peers at Tor­rin, Thacher or Bar­ton Fam­i­ly Wines. Josh has served sev­er­al terms as a board mem­ber for the Paso Rob­les Wine Coun­try Alliance and in the past has also sat on the board for Zin­fan­del Advo­cates and Producers.

Planting Thibido vineyard and shepherding the fruit from dirt to bottle is the ultimate expression of true winemaking. Josh Beck­ett

surfer for life

Out­side of the wine world Josh is an avid surfer, ath­lete and fam­i­ly man. In his spare time, he can be found surf­ing at home in Mor­ro Bay with his kids or trav­el­ing for surf. His stoke for the sport led him to help estab­lish and coach the Mor­ro Bay High School Surf Team since its inau­gur­al sea­son in 2016. When he’s not in the water he loves being home with his fam­i­ly, moun­tain bik­ing, or hang­ing with neigh­bor­hood friends.


perfect pairings

Gib­sey Beck­ett loves bring­ing peo­ple togeth­er with wine and food. Mem­o­ries are marked and made while gath­ered around a table of food and enjoy­ing a spe­cial bot­tle of wine. I love the tra­di­tion of bring­ing a wine to the table to enhance the meal and the moment. Inevitably, wine is a wor­thy top­ic of con­ver­sa­tion!” A min­i­mal­ist design­er at heart, she has col­lab­o­rat­ed with Josh to cre­ate Thibido win­ery as a reflec­tion of their expe­ri­ence in the indus­try. Gib­sey was ini­ti­at­ed into the wine indus­try in the ear­ly 2000s, wear­ing many hats along the way while spe­cial­iz­ing in mar­ket­ing and design. For Thibido, she put her expe­ri­ence to work in cre­at­ing thought­ful­ly made prod­ucts and pack­ag­ing with a promise to the envi­ron­ment to make prod­ucts earth friend­ly. 

Obsessed with hos­pi­tal­i­ty and the delight­ful­ness of exe­cut­ing a per­fect din­ing expe­ri­ence for fam­i­ly or friends, Gib­sey loves to work in the kitchen, exper­i­ment­ing with new fla­vors and recipes, and pair­ing foods with wine. She spent her ear­ly days as the har­vest cook, churn­ing out dai­ly meals for a 15 mem­ber crew when she was­n’t coor­di­nat­ing win­ery events.

These days I’m drink­ing our Ver­menti­no, Sec­ond Date, for the cit­rus notes and trop­i­cal under­tones. It pairs well with fam­i­ly, hap­py chats and chick­en pic­ca­ta over Etto pas­ta with an avo­ca­do orange salad.” 

learning every day

With a love for edu­ca­tion and com­mu­ni­ty, Gib­sey has spent her time vol­un­teer­ing in local class­rooms, local libraries and teach­ing piano lessons. Grow­ing up in an active fam­i­ly, she was an avid ath­lete and in col­lege she pur­sued the fam­i­ly tra­di­tion of dis­tance run­ning, spend­ing decades trav­el­ing for marathons, triathlons and final­ly ultra marathons. These days, she can be found out on a trail or in the pool when she isn’t cheer­ing on her own kids in their sports.

Gib­sey is proud to lead Thibido win­ery in its mis­sion to deliv­er pre­mi­um wines made with sus­tain­able prac­tices and pro­duced in envi­ron­men­tal­ly friend­ly pack­ag­ing. With an eye for detail and a love for learn­ing every day, Gib­sey works tire­less­ly to evolve the Thibido label. Wine has become a cat­a­lyst for com­mu­ni­ty con­nec­tions as she works to part­ner Thibido with sev­er­al orga­ni­za­tions on a glob­al and local scale to give back and get involved in the com­mu­ni­ty; 1% For The Plan­et, MUST! CHar­i­ties, At Her Table SLO and more. She also enjoys the gift of con­nect­ing with local small busi­ness­es through wine allow­ing for more friend­ships and strength­en­ing the community. 

We Are Earth Minded

Every step of the way, from our regen­er­a­tive farm­ing prac­tices to our pack­ag­ing mate­ri­als, we’re com­mit­ted to reduc­ing our envi­ron­men­tal impact. Where oth­er lux­u­ry brands present their wine in heavy glass bot­tles with dec­o­ra­tive cap­sules or wax fin­ish­es, we con­scious­ly select­ed light weight glass and min­i­mal­ist pack­ag­ing in order to reduce our car­bon foot­print. We use 100% Post-Con­sumer Waste Paper on all of our labels and print­ed mar­ket­ing mate­ri­als to low­er green­house gas­es and pre­serve pre­cious resources. Our pack­ing mate­ri­als and ship­ping box­es are eco-friend­ly and 100% biodegrad­able. We are proud to do our part to pro­tect the envi­ron­ment we love and respect.