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Vineyard in Paso Robles, CA

Wine grown and made with the plan­et in mind. 

A Cer­ti­fied Organ­ic Vine­yard by the Cal­i­for­nia Cer­ti­fied Organ­ic Farmers.

Sustainable and environmentally conscientious with organic practices

Certified Organic by California Certified Organic Farmers

Our estate vine­yard is locat­ed in the Wil­low Creek Dis­trict of Paso Rob­les. West fac­ing hill­sides and chalky, rocky soil make for a chal­leng­ing but ide­al grape grow­ing environment. 

We farm our vine­yard in ways that will keep it sus­tain­ably pro­duc­tive for gen­er­a­tions. Weed knives, herds of sheep in ear­ly spring, and hand-hoe­ing are just a few of the weed abate­ment meth­ods we use instead of tox­ic her­bi­cide sprays. In an effort to avoid intro­duc­ing chem­i­cals into the envi­ron­ment, we employ owl box­es and squir­rel traps as our pri­ma­ry forms of rodent con­trol. The lime­stone soils absorb and retain win­ter rains allow­ing for min­i­mal irrigation.

A variety of varietals

A winemaker’s vineyard

Plant­ed in 2019, our vine­yard fea­tures six vari­etals of grapes select­ed for their blend­ing prop­er­ties and fla­vor pro­files. The high­ly effi­cient irri­ga­tion sys­tem runs off a large hold­ing tank to min­i­mize direct pump­ing of ground water and makes use of grav­i­ty to irri­gate vines. 

Carig­nan, Grenache, Mourvè­dre, Petite Sir­ah, Syrah, Zinfandel 

Josh exper­i­ment­ed with a 2 acre block of own-root­ed Zin­fan­del, plant­ed with the Uberoth clone on the west­ern bor­der of the vineyard.

Thibido Win­ery Wil­low Creek Dis­trict, Paso Robles

Download the Vineyard Map

There’s more to this story…

August 2018

Break Ground

Pur­chased in ear­ly 2018, Josh designed and cleared the vine­yard space for soil prepa­ra­tion and plant­i­ng. The lime­stone soil is chock full of rocks, good for vine grow­ing but tough on farm equipment.

June 2019


Designed for wine­mak­ing, Josh select­ed each grape vari­etal to suit the ter­roir and the wine­mak­ing pro­gram: Carig­nan, Grenache, Mou­ve­dre, Syrah, Petite Sir­ah and Zinfandel

June 2020

Hand Cultivated

We’re excit­ed to get in the vine­yard every chance we get, espe­cial­ly with our daugh­ters. We val­ue hands on wine grow­ing and wine making.

September 2021

First Harvest

The first grapes were final­ly har­vest­ed! We look for­ward to releas­ing an estate Grenache Rosé in ear­ly 2022 and Rhône style reds in 2023.

March 2023

Certified Organic by CCOF

Years of farm­ing organ­i­cal­ly final­ly earned the offi­cial Organ­ic Cer­ti­fi­ca­tion by Cal­i­for­nia Cer­ti­fied Organ­ic Farmers.