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Thibido Winery Terms of Service

This web­site is owned and oper­at­ed by Beck­land, LLC dba Thibido Win­ery (“Thibido Win­ery”, Thibido”, us”or the Com­pa­ny”), and may pro­vide ser­vices and prod­ucts to you (the Ser­vices”). By enter­ing and using any of the Ser­vices, appli­ca­tions or web­sites asso­ci­at­ed with or pro­vid­ed through the Com­pa­ny, you agree to be bound by the fol­low­ing terms and con­di­tions of these Terms of Ser­vice. Thibido Win­ery may mod­i­fy these Terms of Ser­vice at any time.

This site may con­tain oth­er trade­mark infor­ma­tion and pro­pri­etary notices, the terms of which must be fol­lowed. Infor­ma­tion on this site may con­tain tech­ni­cal inac­cu­ra­cies or typo­graph­i­cal errors. Infor­ma­tion, includ­ing prod­uct pric­ing and avail­abil­i­ty, may be changed or updat­ed with­out notice. Thibido Win­ery reserves the right to refuse ser­vice, ter­mi­nate accounts, and/​or can­cel orders in its dis­cre­tion, includ­ing, with­out lim­i­ta­tion, if the Com­pa­ny believes that cus­tomer con­duct vio­lates applic­a­ble law or is harm­ful to the inter­ests of Thibido Win­ery and its subsidiaries.


Thibido Win­ery com­plies with all fed­er­al, state and local laws with regard to the sale of alco­hol to minors. All wine ship­ments require adult sig­na­ture (21 years or old­er with prop­er iden­ti­fi­ca­tion) for com­ple­tion of deliv­ery. If an adult is unavail­able to receive the pack­age, addi­tion­al attempts to deliv­er will be made. If attmepts are unsuc­cess­ful your order will be returned to Thibido Win­ery, result­ing in addi­tion­al ship­ping costs.

Orders are processed as quick­ly as pos­si­ble upon receipt. Cred­it card ver­i­fi­ca­tion and autho­riza­tion must be received pri­or to pro­cess­ing the order. Most orders are shipped with­in 1 – 4 busi­ness days exclud­ing week­ends and hol­i­days. Weath­er con­di­tions may delay ship­ments until more favor­able wine ship­ping con­di­tions exist. Please con­tact us at gibsey@​thibidowinery.​com to inquire about best pos­si­ble ship­ping options for your order.

All wines are sold in Cal­i­for­nia and title pass­es to buy­er in Cal­i­for­nia. We make no rep­re­sen­ta­tion as to the legal right of any per­sons to ship or import wines out­side of Cal­i­for­nia. By plac­ing an order with Thibido Win­ery, you autho­rize us to act on your behalf to employ a com­mon car­ri­er to deliv­er your order to you.


Thibido Win­ery guar­an­tees our wines and your sat­is­fac­tion is our pri­or­i­ty. If you receive a wine that is bro­ken or flawed, we will glad­ly replace or refund. Please con­tact us with­in 3 days of receipt of your pur­chase for assis­tance. Email gibsey@​thibidowinery.​com and include the cus­tomer name, address, prod­uct name and vin­tage, and your rea­son for con­cern. Returns are han­dled on a cas by case basis and can­not be processed after 3 days. Addi­tion­al­ly, Thibido Win­ery is unable to accept returns that were dam­aged due to inclement weath­er con­di­tions dur­ing ship­ment or wine ordered in error.


As required for wine club mem­ber­ship, mem­ber (“I”) agrees to the fol­low­ing terms of agree­ment with Thibido Winery:

I am 21 years of age or old­er and agree to accept two sched­uled club ship­ments pri­or to can­celling mem­ber­ship. Can­cel­la­tions must be in writ­ing and received thir­ty (30) days pri­or to a ship­ment. Ship­ments charges for returned and rede­liv­ered ship­ments will be at the customer’s expense.


All con­tent appear­ing on this web­site is the prop­er­ty of Thibido Win­ery and are trade­marks of Thibido Win­ery, locat­ed at 2025 Nacimien­to Lake Dri­ve, Paso Rob­les, CA. Con­tact at 805.801.4968. All rights reserved (2020).


Although the infor­ma­tion on this web site is acces­si­ble world­wide, not all prod­ucts or ser­vices dis­cussed in this web site are avail­able to all per­sons or in all geo­graph­ic loca­tions or juris­dic­tions. Thibido Win­ery and the adver­tis­ers each reserve the right to lim­it the pro­vi­sion of their prod­ucts or ser­vices to any per­son, geo­graph­ic area, or juris­dic­tion they so desire and to lim­it the quan­ti­ties of any prod­ucts or ser­vices that they pro­vide. Any offer for any prod­uct or ser­vice made in the mate­ri­als on this web site is void where prohibited.


The Terms and Con­di­tions con­sti­tute the entire agree­ment between you and Thibido Win­ery with respect to the web site. The Terms and Con­di­tions super­sede all pri­or or con­tem­po­ra­ne­ous com­mu­ni­ca­tions and pro­pos­als, whether elec­tron­ic, ver­bal or writ­ten between you and Thibido Win­ery with respect to this web site. No mod­i­fi­ca­tion of the Terms and Con­di­tions shall be effec­tive unless it is autho­rized by Thibido Win­ery. If any pro­vi­sion of the Terms and Con­di­tions is found to be con­trary to law, then such provision(s) shall be con­struct­ed in a man­ner to close­ly reflect, as much as pos­si­ble, the inten­tions of the par­ties, with the oth­er pro­vi­sions remain­ing in full force and effect.