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A Place In Paso

Walkable Comfort

Hey friends,

We’d like to share a cozy spot in down­town Paso Rob­les with you where you can hang your hat for a few nights. This love­ly home is a favorite of ours and we thought you might like to know about it, too.

If you’re a club mem­ber, please email me at gibsey@​thibidowinery.​com to learn more about a mem­ber perk. Oth­er­wise, this home is avail­able on AirBnB and VRBO.

A Few More Details

This new­ly built home is locat­ed on the west side of Paso Rob­les, just a mile from the down­town city park. Three bed­room, two and a half bath­room house has all the ameni­ties you’ll need to come and relax in Paso’s wine country.

The space

The house is two sto­ries, all three bed­rooms are upstairs with two full bath­rooms. Liv­ing rooms, kitchen and half bath are down­stairs for your enjoy­ment. The house is 1620 square feet with a cov­ered front porch, large side porch and 2 car garage.

The house is ful­ly stocked with every­thing you’ll need for your Paso get­away includ­ing a com­pli­men­ta­ry bot­tle of Thibido wine.

Guest access

Two car garage for the guest use. Key­less entry for easy outings.


We rec­om­mend walk­ing 5 min­utes to the Paso Mar­ket Walk where you’ll find some of our faves: 

inBloom Restau­rant, Miche­lin Guide (make a reser­va­tion, it’s worth it!)

Fin­ca for farm fresh tacos and spicy margaritas.

The Paso Wine Mer­chant, great for a glass or a bot­tle, and the food is good too.

Mean­der anoth­er 5 min­utes to the down­town park for more shop­ping, sip­ping and dining.

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