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An Organic Grape Harvest Recap 2024

Heat Domes and Heritage Grapes

2024 Har­vest Recap: A Sea­son of Sur­pris­es and Excit­ing New Releases

Har­vest 2024 took off with a bang as a heat dome in ear­ly Sep­tem­ber sped things up, kick­ing us into full gear. Our wine­mak­er, Josh, start­ed the sea­son with a sun­rise hand-pick of Grenache for our fan-favorite Best Day Rosé. True to his hands-on style, he even spent time foot-stomp­ing grapes, ensur­ing the vibrant char­ac­ter of this beloved wine. This year marks an expan­sion in our wine offer­ings as the pop­u­lar rosé will be joined by two excit­ing new releas­es: Sec­ond Date 24, our ampho­ra-aged Ver­menti­no, and a third exclu­sive white wine we can’t wait to introduce!

Our organ­ic Syrah vines, plant­ed in the pres­ti­gious Wil­low Creek Dis­trict of Paso Rob­les, enjoyed a per­fect ripen­ing sea­son and we wel­comed the dense, dark clus­ters into our win­ery with some grapes going to our friend Scott at Tor­rin Win­ery. We grow a few blocks of Zin­fan­del at Thibido Vine­yard to pay homage to our Paso her­itage as a sec­ond gen­er­a­tion Peachy Canyon Win­ery fam­i­ly. We’re excit­ed to unveil a new Zin blend in 2026 to hon­or our fam­i­ly lega­cy. The Mourvè­dre and Petite Sir­ah lin­gered the longest in the vine­yard, which will add depth and inter­est to wines like Hip­pie Hill 24, as well as play­ing a star role in wines at Top Win­ery and McPrice Mey­ers. Nacho, Josh’s trusty assis­tant, spends a lot of time tak­ing sam­ples in the vine­yard (pic­tured here).

Light Yields and Silver Linings

Although the yields were lighter this year, the qual­i­ty was extra­or­di­nary and we reflect on this as a sil­ver lin­ing. Com­ing up a lit­tle short on fruit allowed us the oppor­tu­ni­ty to explore some new vine­yard sources, includ­ing the dis­cov­ery of some cer­ti­fied organ­ic Ver­menti­no which will enhance Sec­ond Date 24. Addi­tion­al­ly, we were able to source some prized Rous­sanne from the renowned Bien Naci­do Vine­yard in the San­ta Maria AVA. Rec­og­nized as one of the top 25 vine­yards in the world, this Rous­sanne will be the star of a reserve white wine, exclu­sive­ly reelased to our wine club in the spring of 2025. Josh also exper­i­ment­ed with a Côte-Rôtie-inspired blend of Syrah and Rous­sanne, which we’ll debut in 2026. It is such a plea­sure to con­tin­ue to exper­i­ment and expand our wine pro­gram with your sup­port and love for our passion.

As the last grapes are now in, the real work begins — mon­i­tor­ing slow fer­men­ta­tions, hand punch-downs, and care­ful­ly select­ing bar­rels for aging. It’s been an exhil­a­rat­ing har­vest at Thibido Win­ery, and we’re beyond excit­ed to intro­duce you to these wines in the next year or two. Thank you for your con­tin­ued sup­port — cheers to what’s ahead!


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