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Boutique Beginnings and Heartfelt Thanks

Earth-Friendly Promise

We start­ed Thibido Win­ery in 2021 with a new­ly plant­ed vine­yard and just 75 cas­es to share with you. Our inten­tion? To shep­herd organ­i­cal­ly grown fruit from the dirt to the bot­tle in bou­tique style with thought­ful pur­pose. We start­ed some­thing small so we can be a part of every process, from the grape grow­ing and wine­mak­ing to the com­mu­ni­ca­tion and spe­cial con­nec­tions we have the plea­sure of mak­ing with you. 

Since Thibido’s incep­tion, we’ve insist­ed on prod­uct pack­ag­ing that is as earth friend­ly as pos­si­ble. Light­weight glass bot­tles, no super­flu­ous cap­sule, 100% com­postable cork and recy­clable ship­ping box­es. Our labels are the most unique, made with 100% Post Con­sumer Waste Paper, a rar­i­ty in our indus­try. The first vin­tage of labels were large swaths of paper wrap­ping around each bot­tle. They bub­bled and wrin­kled ter­ri­bly and we lat­er reduced the size of the labels but we’ve main­tained our promise to the plan­et by keep­ing them 100% PCW and free of chem­i­cal treat­ments. The labels still wrin­kle here and there, they are del­i­cate, eas­i­ly dam­aged and high­ly absorbent of wine drips and they will nev­er sur­vive a buck­et of ice water. On the upside, they are also eas­i­ly trans­fer­able from the bot­tle to your wine jour­nal or any­where you want to repur­pose them. Next year you’ll notice a new addi­tion to our 100% PCW logo, our bot­tles will be recy­clable with California’s Redemp­tion Val­ue (CRV) logo. The cork remains 100% com­postable for your worm bin or green waste. We’re hope­ful that by pio­neer­ing a new way of pre­sent­ing wine it inspires more wine prod­ucts to be made with purpose.

Boutique Flair

The def­i­n­i­tion of bou­tique is a busi­ness or estab­lish­ment that is small and sophis­ti­cat­ed. I don’t know how sophis­ti­cat­ed we are, but we are small. Top­ping out at 300 cas­es this year, we’re proud of our small pro­duc­tion wines and the vari­ety we are able to offer with our 11 acre vine­yard in the Wil­low Creek Dis­trict. We have grown from offer­ing two wines to now offer­ing sev­en dif­fer­ent wines. The bou­tique approach allows Josh to have his hands in every­thing from tying vines and pick­ing fruit to foot tread­ing bins of grapes in the cel­lar. He enjoys the blend­ing process and its chal­lenges and is also often behind the cam­era on our vine­yard and win­ery reels. My part of the action requires more time in front of the com­put­er, writ­ing our newslet­ters, design­ing labels and print col­lat­er­al, han­dling the day to day oper­a­tions of the busi­ness and com­pli­ance, ship­ping wines your way, mar­ket­ing our prod­ucts, mak­ing whole­sale con­nec­tions, and com­mu­ni­cat­ing with you. With just the two of us, we have a shared pas­sion for putting togeth­er the best prod­uct we can pos­si­bly cre­ate for your enjoyment.

Gratitude and More

With­out a tast­ing room, wine is a chal­leng­ing prod­uct to share with the world. With your sup­port and a true grass roots effort, our wine club con­tin­ues to grow and we’ve been picked up by sev­er­al new restau­rants and shops this year who now offer our wines. By shar­ing and gift­ing Thibido wine with fam­i­ly and friends, by request­ing it at your local wine shop and sup­port­ing us through Google reviews and likes and fol­lows, we’re able to con­tin­ue to grow our lit­tle pas­sion project case by case.

We con­tin­ue to exper­i­ment and grow our brand with your sup­port. We have a new addi­tion to the cel­lar this year! We’ve added a larg­er ampho­ra to accom­mo­date the remark­able demand for the Sec­ond Date white wine. Last year’s 40 cas­es of 100% Ver­menti­no dis­ap­peared in a flash and we’ll soon have 60 cas­es to release to our mem­bers in late April. What’s the orig­i­nal small ampho­ra being used for? Josh decid­ed it was the per­fect ves­sel for our Best Day Rosé 2023. A Grenache based wine grown in the Thibido vine­yard, which will also debut to the pub­lic in April

Heartfelt Thank You

We’re learn­ing and grow­ing every day with Thibido Win­ery. We’ve made choic­es along the way that put our prof­itabil­i­ty last and cham­pi­oned the earth and our result­ing wine first. Embody­ing the bou­tique style, this small project is big on grat­i­tude. We con­tin­ue to part­ner with local and glob­al non-prof­its to give back to our com­mu­ni­ty and sup­port the future of our plan­et. Most impor­tant­ly we’re so thank­ful to you for your stel­lar support.

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