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Buzz In The Organic Vineyard 2024

Replants With Vigor

Thibido Vine­yard is buzzing with activ­i­ty with spring just arriv­ing. Cer­ti­fied organ­ic by Cal­i­for­nia Cer­ti­fied Organ­ic Farm­ers, our vine­yard is a rich ecosys­tem of sus­tain­abil­i­ty and beau­ty. Grow­er and wine­mak­er Josh Beck­ett, has spent some time on the hills of the Thibido estate prun­ing, check­ing irri­ga­tion lines, replant­i­ng a few vines, and herd­ing sheep! 

Sheep Show

Wel­com­ing sheep into the vine­yard is an excit­ing part of our organ­ic approach. These wool­ly com­pan­ions play a cru­cial role, min­i­miz­ing trac­tor usage and curb­ing our car­bon foot­print. They chomp down the organ­ic cov­er crop while con­tribut­ing organ­ic fer­til­iz­er and enrich­ing the soil. Their pres­ence not only enhances sus­tain­abil­i­ty but also adds old world charm to the estate views.

Replanting Vines

Despite the chal­lenges of gophers and jackrab­bits nib­bling on young vines, Josh is ded­i­cat­ed to the suc­cess of the Thibido vine­yard, ensur­ing a boun­ti­ful 2024 har­vest. He spends as much time as he can on the prop­er­ty, scour­ing every block of the vine­yard to repair and replace irri­ga­tion lines and replant vines that have fall­en vic­tim to those whasky wab­bits”. The recent win­ter rains, a con­sis­tent bless­ing, have replen­ished our aquifer and primed the vine­yard for an excep­tion­al spring. With Josh’s care­ful eye, the vine­yard is in prime shape for the next sea­son of growth Antic­i­pa­tion fills the air as bud break draws near, promis­ing a vibrant dis­play of new vig­or and a boun­ti­ful har­vest. You can watch a quick video about how Josh approach­es replants HERE.

Mark Your Calendar

Behind the scenes, Gib­sey’s been prepar­ing for the upcom­ing bot­tling of our 2022 red wines and 2023 white and Rosé wines. Look for­ward to updat­ed labels and some new print mate­r­i­al and pho­tog­ra­phy. She’s also lined up a heap of events in the spring and sum­mer months so you can taste Thibido wines. See Events Cal­en­dar Here. Save the date for the wine club release event on April 27, where mem­bers will be intro­duced to the newest wines and receive their club pack­age. Join a club lev­el and reserve your spot to guar­an­tee receiv­ing these impres­sive wines and enjoy a rare tast­ing in the win­ery host­ed by the owners.