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Doing Our Part For The Planet

Earth Minded

It’s our mis­sion to pri­or­i­tize the envi­ron­ment in every deci­sion we make. There­fore, our prod­ucts are designed with sus­tain­abil­i­ty in mind, from organ­i­cal­ly farmed grapes, to the pack­ing and ship­ping mate­ri­als. We’re proud to share that our labels and all of our print­ed col­lat­er­al are print­ed on 100% Post-Con­sumer waste paper. Untreat­ed with chem­i­cals and made from recy­cled paper, our print mate­r­i­al and our labels absorb water and are chal­leng­ing to print and produce.

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Thinking Ahead & Giving Back

Addi­tion­al­ly, we’ve also cho­sen to bot­tle our wine in light­weight glass to reduce our ship­ping impact. We use 100% nat­ur­al cork that is ful­ly com­postable to fur­ther reduce our envi­ron­men­tal foot­print. All of our logo’d ship­ping mate­ri­als are made with 100% recy­clable pack­ag­ing and designed to upcy­cle, reuse or recy­cle. Our mind­ful­ness to every details helps pre­serve and pro­tect our planet. 

We’re also proud to part­ner with 1% For The Plan­et, which means that every bot­tle you pur­chase helps give back to the earth. We believe that small actions can make a big dif­fer­ence, and we’re doing our part to cre­ate a more sus­tain­able future.