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Fall: Celebrate Our One Year!

It’s been busy here at Thibido Win­ery; we’re cel­e­brat­ing our one-year anniver­sary, shar­ing in some new expe­ri­ences, and we con­tin­ue to col­lab­o­rate with and sup­port our com­mu­ni­ty. We’re grate­ful for all of you this sea­son — your con­sis­tent sup­port has buoyed us through the year and thrilled us to no end.

A Year In Review

How quick­ly a year goes! Thibido Win­ery launched in Octo­ber 2021 as the glob­al pan­dem­ic drew to a close and Josh & I wrapped up our first har­vest of the long-await­ed Thibido Estate Vine­yard. We shared our web­site and our wines with the world and it’s been a whirl­wind ever since. Of course, we could­n’t pos­si­bly list them all but a few high­lights include host­ing guests at pri­vate tast­ing appoint­ments, shar­ing our wines at Paso’s Wine Fest, scor­ing a 94 with The Bed­fel­low in Wine Enthu­si­ast, and throw­ing an anniver­sary bash for club mem­bers in Octo­ber. We’re look­ing ahead to a bright future as we release four new estate wine this May. We tru­ly believe that grow­ing and mak­ing wine is a mag­i­cal gift and we hope you feel that mag­ic when­ev­er you uncork a bot­tle of Thibido wine, espe­cial­ly this hol­i­day season.

Wine Club Release

We cel­e­brat­ed our one-year anniver­sary with an inti­mate mem­ber release par­ty in the win­ery. Kel­le­co Project Cater­ing bril­liant­ly paired our newest releas­es with passed appe­tiz­ers like local oys­ter shots” and melt­ed Bellav­i­tano ravi­o­lis. Guests were treat­ed to an array of Thibido wines as well as a few bar­rel sam­ples. Mem­bers received the exclu­sive, new 2021 Just Because Syrah in their club pack along­side The Bed­fel­low 2020 and First Date 2021. Already earn­ing a rep­u­ta­tion for sur­prise and delight, Just Because Syrah is made in a cre­ative car­bon­ic fer­men­ta­tion by co-own­er and wine­mak­er, Josh Beck­ett. This lat­est 2021 vin­tage fea­tures a longer extend­ed fer­men­ta­tion peri­od, ten weeks in the anaer­o­bic fer­men­tor. The extend­ed fer­men­ta­tion enhanced every fla­vor and aro­ma in this Syrah. Whole clus­ters soak­ing in their own juice dur­ing fer­men­ta­tion improved tan­nins while also increas­ing the wine’s longevi­ty in your cellar.

Fall Wine Club

In Octo­ber, we released the fall wine club set and mem­bers received the new 2021 Just Because Car­bon­ic Syrah, First Date Grenache Blanc 2021, and 94 point-win­ner, The Bed­fel­low Syrah. Sign up as a mem­ber to receive our newest wines, up to a 20% dis­count on all wine pur­chas­es, and enjoy free ship­ping for a lim­it­ed time.

Learn More

Barn Dinner

Thibido + Thacher Wine­mak­er Event

In true Paso spir­it, our dear friends Michelle and Sher­man Thacher, of Thacher Win­ery, invit­ed us to share our wines at a din­ner in their his­toric Ken­tucky Ranch Barn at the begin­ning of Octo­ber. The 100 year old barn held six­ty guests, cozi­ly seat­ed under twin­kle lights and the watch­ful eyes of a fam­i­ly of barn owls tucked in the rafters. Guests dined on seafood soup, roast duck, lamb chops, and straw­ber­ry basil push-pops. It does­n’t get much more mag­i­cal than that! 

We shared two Syrahs we made from fruit grown by the Thachers on their Home­stead Hill Vine­yard: Just Because 2020 and The Bed­fel­low 2020. These wines are the prod­uct of the same pick of grapes, yet vini­fied in two com­plete­ly dif­fer­ent ways. We were thrilled to pour these wines for the Thacher din­ner guests and they were received with immense enthu­si­asm. We look for­ward to future din­ners with our wine friends in the Paso com­mu­ni­ty. Watch our newslet­ters for details of upcom­ing events.

Order Syrah

More highlights:

  • Social Give­away: We part­nered with the fab­u­lous and local FableRune in Octo­ber to give­away a few hand­craft­ed bot­tles of Thibido and some hand­made Be Well” good­ies. FableRune is a woman-owned com­pa­ny based in Los Osos, Cal­i­for­nia and a force of beau­ty in earth-friend­ly ways that we admire. Want to enter our next give­away? Please fol­low us @thibidowinery so you don’t miss a thing!
  • Big Sky: Boze­man, Mon­tana, here we come! Josh and I are excit­ed to make an appear­ance at Sin­gle Bar­rel Boze­man to pour our wines, cur­rent­ly avail­able for sale in the shop. Hope to meet some new and old fans on Fri­day, Novem­ber 12 while we are there.
  • Come Taste! A Paso Pour­ing: Wednes­day, Novem­ber 30 — Pic­co­lo Hotel’s Tet­to Rooftop Bar hosts Thibido wines. Josh and I will be there to greet guests, pour and share details about our wines and our sto­ry. We love the rooftop views here and look for­ward to see­ing you there to sip and savor.