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Hindsight and The Future

We’re bar­rel­ing into 2023 with some great things that Josh and I are real­ly excit­ed to share. With just a year of Thibido Win­ery in motion, our grat­i­tude abounds for you; our sup­port­ers, read­ers of our newslet­ters, fol­low­ers of our social media, ambas­sadors of our brand, and lovers of our wine. 

When we plant­ed Thibido Vine­yard in 2019, we dreamed of grow­ing the grapes into incred­i­ble wines. That process has been chal­leng­ing to say the least. Our first year in the vine­yard we faced heavy flood­ing and some crazy ero­sion that demand­ed our atten­tion. Thank­ful­ly, all the ero­sion con­trol meth­ods we imple­ment­ed in 2019 were the very rea­son our vine­yard stood pristine­ly unmarred by California’s 100-year storm of 2022. The 2023 vin­tage is sure to be one for the record books. 

Our first pick of the vine­yard in 2021 offered us the award-win­ning Best Day Grenache Rosé 2021. The rest of the fruit from 2021 has been patient­ly lying in wait in the win­ery, qui­et­ly rest­ing in bar­rels. Now, the time has final­ly arrived to print some labels, wake up those wines and send them to bot­tle to be shared with our wine club!


Josh has plant­ed an array of vari­etals on our small vine­yard, pri­mar­i­ly Rhônes (see map). Thus far, our wines have all fea­tured 100% vari­etals but this vin­tage we’re shak­ing things up. Com­ing your way in 2023 are a Syrah Grenache co-fer­ment, a Carig­nan based blend, and a Mourvè­dre blend. These new labels fea­ture new art that I real­ly had fun putting togeth­er with our graph­ic design­er who hap­pens to be my lit­tle sis­ter, Chelsea Smith. Our daugh­ters are fea­tured on one of the new wines this year that turned out to be so whim­si­cal and fun.


On a com­plete­ly dif­fer­ent note, we’ve spent the last year putting Thibido on the map with out­stand­ing reviews and scores (check out our wines here) and enjoyed some trav­el trips shar­ing the wine in Mon­tana and around Los Ange­les and Orange Coun­ties. We’re hon­ored to have Thibido in some incred­i­ble wine shops and at sev­er­al impres­sive restau­rants and wine bars (see list here). Paso Rob­les’ The Back­yard On Thir­teenth fea­tures our wines by the bot­tle. And Thibido wines are fea­tured in the lux­u­ry mini-bar in every room at the hip, local Pacif­ic Motel here in Cayu­cos, Cal­i­for­nia. San Luis Obispo’s very cool Region. Wine Bar at Hotel SLO will roll out Thibido wines in their state-of-the-art pour­ing machines this spring. 

We’re so proud to share the release of these new wines this year with our wine club and beyond.

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