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Hot Topic: What To Grill When You Open A Bedfellow Syrah?

Sum­mer­time brings longer days and the promise of gath­er­ing out­doors, fir­ing up the grill, and enjoy­ing time with friends and loved ones. We rec­om­mend enhanc­ing these moments with a per­fect­ly paired wine! The Bed­fel­low Syrah 2020 is a remark­able part­ner for sum­mer meals boast­ing an array of fla­vors to com­pli­ment your next grilled feast.

But First, The Wine

Open­ing The Bed­fel­low Syrah 2020 is a win­dow into wine­mak­er, Josh Beck­et­t’s ded­i­ca­tion to qual­i­ty. He spared no detail in the mak­ing of this bot­tle. Whole clus­ters were hand-picked from the pres­ti­gious Home­stead Hill Vine­yard. The rocky soils in the Wil­low Creek Dis­trict con­tribute to opti­mal vine stress. When vines expe­ri­ence stress, they focus their ener­gy on fruit pro­duc­tion rather than exces­sive veg­e­ta­tive growth. The result is more con­cen­trat­ed fla­vors and enhanced grape qual­i­ty. Once the fruit arrives at the win­ery, we hand sort­ed the fruit, leav­ing half of the fruit whole clus­ter and remov­ing the oth­er half of the berries from their stems, all the while ensur­ing that only the finest fruit is select­ed. A cold-soak­ing peri­od of eight days allows fla­vors and aro­mas to ful­ly devel­op, set­ting the stage for a rich and intense wine. Tra­di­tion­al foot-tread­ing was employed to inte­grate the destemmed fruit with the whole clusters. 

94 Points

This hands-on approach high­lights Josh’s com­mit­ment to pro­duc­ing wines of dis­tinc­tion. Wine Enthu­si­ast Crit­ic, Matt Kettmann raves, Pure aro­mas of focused pur­ple fruit and flow­ers are expres­sive, rem­i­nis­cent of frozen boy­sen­ber­ry on the nose. Edgy, sandy tan­nins frame the exu­ber­ant but well-bal­anced fla­vors of the palate, which is loaded with blue­ber­ry, açaí, white pep­per, laven­der and lilac. 94 Points.”

What To Grill?

The Bed­fel­low’s robust char­ac­ter stands up to bold grilled meats or meat alter­na­tives with smoky and savory ele­ments. The Syrah brings out the earthy sweet­ness of grilled por­to­bel­lo mush­rooms and caramelized onions. Try the mushies on a skew­er mar­i­nat­ed in bal­sam­ic vine­gar, olive oil, lemon juice, cayenne and gar­lic. I also love the ease of a salty flanksteak smoth­ered in a chimichur­ri sauce made from var­i­ous fresh herbs (cilantro, rose­mary, basil, mint, oregano, what­ev­er you got), gar­lic, cayenne and a good olive oil.

Ele­vate your sum­mer gath­er­ings with The Bed­fel­low Syrah 2020. Its com­plex fla­vor pro­file make it the per­fect com­pan­ion for out­door feasts. Fire up the grill, call the neigh­bors and crack open a bot­tle to cel­e­brate sum­mer the right way. Cheers to unfor­get­table fla­vors and cher­ished moments!