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New! Our Wines Are Vegan

What’s Vegan Wine?

Did you know that Thibido wines are vegan? 

Many tra­di­tion­al wine­mak­ing meth­ods use ani­mal-derived fin­ing agents like fish blad­der or egg whites to clar­i­fy the wine and remove solids and impu­ri­ties. At Thibido Win­ery our wines are made vegan,meaning we use only plant-based or nat­ur­al min­er­al fin­ing meth­ods — so you can sip with con­fi­dence, know­ing your wine is free from ani­mal byprod­ucts and made with metic­u­lous care for you and for the wine.

We were pleased to be con­tact­ed by Paso Rob­les’ only veg­an cheese shop, The Vream­ery Cheese Shop and Melt Bar, to inquire about a list of veg­an wines avail­able in the area. We were so hap­py to be added to the list! Veg­an wine may have few­er poten­tial aller­gens because it does­n’t con­tain ani­mal-derived fin­ing agents. Stud­ies show that veg­an wine may con­tain more antiox­i­dants because it’s often made with organ­ic grapes. We pride our­selves on mak­ing a pure prod­uct from the best grapes pos­si­ble in the most earth and ani­mal friend­ly ways possible.

Beyond being veg­an, our wines are grown from our CCOF Cer­ti­fied Organ­ic Estate Vine­yard in the Wil­low Creek Dis­trict of Paso Rob­les. We farm organ­i­cal­ly, hand­craft our wines in lim­it­ed pro­duc­tion, and let the fruit speak for itself with min­i­mal inter­ven­tion dur­ing the wine­mak­ing process. Each bot­tle reflects the care and atten­tion we put into farm­ing our land and into our wine­mak­ing process.

Wine That’s Better For You & The Planet

Sus­tain­abil­i­ty is at the heart of every­thing we do. From light­weight glass bot­tles to 100% com­postable corks and post-con­sumer waste labels, we make wines that are as good for the plan­et as they are for your glass. We’re doing our part to make earth-friend­ly choic­es every step of the way. Even our ship­ping mate­ri­als are 100% recy­clable, because we believe great wine should­n’t come at the earth’s expense.

Now you can drink bet­ter and feel good about it. Explore our organ­ic, veg­an, and hand­craft­ed wines today — because every sip should be deli­cious, mind­ful, and sustainable.

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