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Coming! New Wines In April

New Vintage: Get Ready to Savor Our Handmade Wines

We can’t wait to release our newest wines in April! As you know, we start­ed Thibido Win­ery in Octo­ber 2021 with just two wines on offer. This year marks our first full pro­duc­tion vin­tage with our estate vine­yard 100% online and we’ve got a whole new line­up of wines for you to get to know better. 

Through atten­tive, organ­ic farm­ing Josh has spent the past five years nur­tur­ing our small vine­yard to grow beau­ti­ful wines in Paso Rob­les’ Wil­low Creek Dis­trict. We’ll share new­ly released wines in April and again in Octo­ber to club mem­bers first. Every wine we made is few­er than 55 cas­es. And here’s our shame­less plug; we rec­om­mend join­ing one of our clubs to try these hand­made wines before they sell out. LEARN MORE

Behind The Labels


Cre­at­ing the labels and names for our newest wines was an excit­ing expe­ri­ence for both Josh and me. Every wine has a dif­fer­ent per­son­al­i­ty, back sto­ry and indi­vid­ual char­ac­ter­is­tics that lend them­selves to a unique name and label design. 

Our first Syrah Grenache co-fer­ment, named Future Cross­ings,” is made entire­ly from estate fruit and includes some whole clus­ter fer­men­ta­tion in con­crete. The label art fea­tures trac­tor tire marks and pays homage to the two grape vari­etals co-fer­ment­ed from our estate vine­yard. Future Cross­ings” is a cre­ative twist on the sig­na­ture Paso Rob­les Syrah that reflects the true ter­roir of our rocky vine­yard soil.

A Second Date?

We’re proud of our award-win­ning Grenache Blanc, First Date,” made in the Ter­ra Cot­ta Ampho­ra, and its suc­cess in our first two vin­tages. This year, Josh is chang­ing things up with a new vari­etal, Ver­menti­no, grown most­ly in Italy and France. The Paso Ono Vine­yard is rec­og­nized for grow­ing high qual­i­ty white wine grapes, includ­ing a few pris­tine acres of Ver­menti­no. Josh was lucky enough to pro­cure fruit from the vine­yard this year and exper­i­ment with a com­plete­ly new grape. Our lit­tle ampho­ra pro­duced just 30 cas­es of this wine, lay­ered with cit­rus fruits, enhanced min­er­al­i­ty, herbal notes, and low alco­hol, we’ve deemed this wine Sec­ond Date.”

Woman-Owned and Influenced

Did you know that we’re a woman-owned brand? Our name, Thibido, is an ode to Josh’s mom and her phil­an­thropic fam­i­ly. We cham­pi­on women and their influ­ence and Josh and I are also rais­ing two of them in this world. An old pic­ture of our daugh­ters led us to nam­ing our Carig­nan blend Car­nala”. Car­nala is a Lati­na term mean­ing friend, like a sis­ter or girl­friend”. The art­work on the label is an enhanced image of the one pic­tured (right).

What’s the back sto­ry of this pic­ture? While we were trav­el­ing through Spain and the Canary Islands when the girls were lit­tle, they fell in love with fan­tas­tic Fla­men­co cos­tumes for danc­ing, com­plete with Span­ish fans. We snapped this pic­ture of them pos­ing in their out­fits in Spain. It made the Christ­mas card that year! The wine behind the label is a chal­leng­ing grape to grow and Josh worked tire­less­ly to pro­duce this wine. Carig­nan orig­i­nat­ed in Spain and is known to be vul­ner­a­ble and inclined to mildew. Carig­nan demands atten­tion and when grown cor­rect­ly, pro­duces beau­ti­ful wine with bright red-fruit char­ac­ter­is­tics and savory fla­vors. Car­nala is 55 cas­es of pure mag­ic, main­ly Carig­nan with a splash of Syrah and Mourvèdre. 

One last plug to join a club lev­el to enjoy dis­counts, spe­cial tast­ings and guar­an­tee you get these wines before they’re gone.

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