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Piccata Any Way

Bottle pour, white wine, hands

Fish or Chicken: This Dish Delights

I was first intro­duced to Chick­en Pic­ca­ta from a wine­mak­er friend in Napa who makes every dish look effort­less while swirling a glass of wine, chat­ting away and turn­ing out meals that always impress. 

Josh and I have repli­cat­ed this pic­ca­ta many times and now enjoy it as a fish dish. We love to pair this crispy, salty meal with a chilled Ver­menti­no or the beau­ti­ful Grenache, Future Cross­ings. I love the bite of the cooked lemon round on the fish fol­lowed by a sip of chilled Ver­menti­no. YUM!

We thought we’d share our ver­sion of the recipe with you to pair with our wines.

fish piccata recipe
Second Date 2023, Vermentino, Paso Robles, White Wine


4 small white fish fil­lets (cod or tilapia, about 1 lb), 2Table­spoons Organ­ic Olive Oil, Sea Salt, Fresh Ground Black Pep­per, 14 cup Flour, plus 1 Table­spoon extra, 2 Table­spoons fresh­ly grat­ed parme­san, 14 cup White Wine (Prefer­ably a Sec­ond Date), 14 cup or more chick­en or veg­gie stock, 2 lemons, juiced, Half tea­spoon lemon zest, 1 Mey­er lemon sliced in thin rounds, 2 Table­spoons Capers (chopped if large), 2 Table­spoons But­ter, FOR THE GAR­NISH: 2 Table­spoons chopped Pars­ley, Fresh pas­ta (We love ETTO Pas­ta made in Paso Rob­les)


  • Heat the olive oil in a large sauté pan over medi­um high heat. While the pan is heat­ing, blot the fish dry with paper tow­els and sea­son with salt and pep­per. Dredge in the flour and parme­san mix­ture, shak­ing off any excess.
  • Sauté the fish in the olive oil until just cooked through, about 4 min­utes, turn­ing over halfway through. Remove the fish to a platter.
  • Deglaze the pan with the white wine, whisk­ing for about 1 minute. Add the lemon juice and capers and stir. Add the but­ter and stock and 1 Table­spoon flour, whisk to smooth and add Mey­er lemon rounds, cook down the mix­ture about 5 minutes.
  • Pour onto the fish and gar­nish with lots of chopped pars­ley. Serve with a side of but­tered fresh pas­ta. Serve with a love­ly Thibido wine and enjoy!