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Spring Wine Preview

We can’t wait to intro­duce you to our newest releas­es this April! They aren’t bot­tled yet and they aren’t even avail­able until April 26, but you’re wel­come to sali­vate and request to add some bot­tles to your club order as we share a few teasers about what’s com­ing your way.

Whites & Pink

SEC­OND DATE 2024, Ver­menti­no

This unique Rhône style white is vini­fied and aged in our largest ampho­ra to pro­duce the most beau­ti­ful vari­etal dri­ven wine. A flo­ral nose opens with a hint of ripe pear, lead­ing to fla­vors of cit­rus zest and the most sat­is­fy­ing weight to the mouth and fin­ish. Noto­ri­ous­ly food friend­ly, this wine fea­tures sus­tain­able Ver­menti­no from Paso Ono Vine­yard as well as CCOF Cer­ti­fied Organ­ic Ver­menti­no from a new friend, Loma Seca Vineyard.

Sec­ond Date Ver­menti­no has sold out every vin­tage and we’re thrilled to share it with club mem­bers first.

$43 / $38.7 / $34.4 (Social‑6 btl) 

BEST DAY ROSÉ 2024, Grenache

A dar­ling of a wine hand picked by Josh him­self in the Thibido Estate Vine­yard. Juicy, cer­ti­fied organ­ic Grenache wows the palate with sum­mer cher­ries and straw­ber­ry, per­fect acid­i­ty and a touch of spice. Once pressed, this wine was vini­fied and aged in our lit­tle ampho­ra mak­ing only 40 cas­es. We’re thrilled to offer this to our mem­bers first before it most cer­tain­ly sells out.

$45 / $40.5 / $36 (Social‑6 btl)


THE ONLY 2024, Rous­sanne

We’re jump­ing for joy about this pris­tine Rous­sanne wine as a fea­tured addi­tion to our white wine offer­ings this year. This har­vest we had a unique oppor­tu­ni­ty to source grapes from the world-class vine­yard of Bien Naci­do in the San­ta Maria Val­ley AVA. Named Top 25 Vine­yards in the World”by Wine & Spir­its along with many oth­er acco­lades includ­ing this arti­cle by Food & Wine about the most impor­tant Cal­i­for­nia Vine­yards For Out­stand­ing Cal­i­for­nia Wine, Look for Bot­tles Made With Grapes Grown on These 16 Vine­yards”.This cool cli­mate wine fea­tures 100% Rous­sanne offer­ing notes of apple, hone­suck­le and lemon with a creamy mid-weight and per­fect acid in a lin­ger­ing fin­ish. Fan­tas­ti­cal­ly food-friend­ly in extreme­ly lim­it­ed availability.

Now accept­ing pre-orders from mem­bers only.

$70 / $63 / $54 (Social‑6 btl) 

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Do you know how stel­lar the 2023 vin­tage was? Pre­pare your­self because the red wines com­ing your way this year real­ly show­case the matu­ri­ty of the Thibido Estate Vine­yard as it pro­duces out­stand­ing CCOF Organ­ic Cer­ti­fied fruit. We can’t wait to intro­duce you to all five red wines this year (yes, five new red wines!), but for now, we’ll share the first two reds com­ing your way in April.


FUTURE CROSS­INGS 2023, Estate Grenache Blend

Organ­ic, juicy Grenache is anchored with Syrah, Zin and Mourvè­dre to offer a wine with direct drink­a­bil­i­ty. Black cher­ry, cocoa and orange rind in the nose lead to fla­vors of fig and spice with nice­ly bal­anced tan­nin. This drink-me-now wine is a great apper­i­tif or paired with BBQ.

$65 / $58.5 / $52 (Social‑6 btl) 

CAR­NALA 2023, Carig­nan Blend

Smooth and com­plex, this organ­ic estate blend of Carig­nan, Mourvè­dre and a splash of Syrah and Grenache is a sym­pho­ny of fla­vors. Cran­ber­ry, straw­ber­ry, plum, tobac­co and pep­per are just a few key notes in this wine. Not to be missed, this gor­geous red com­pli­ments poul­try and veg­gie dish­es and drinks well alone, too!

$65 / $58.5 / $52 (Social‑6 btl) 

Both lim­it­ed pro­duc­tion red wines will be released to club mem­bers in April before pub­lic release.

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