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Summer Wine Quiz

Chal­lenge your­self to see just how well you know Thibido Win­ery and what we’re all about. Answer Key at the bot­tom (no cheating!):


1. Which of our red wines could be served chilled?

a. Hip­pie HIll 2021, a not yet released Mourvè­dre based blend you can chill with

b. Just Because 2021, a car­bon­ic Syrah to beat the heat

c. The Bed­fel­low 2020, a tra­di­tion­al­ly craft­ed Syrah with bacon notes for hot days

2. Which estate wine holds great sig­nif­i­cance, fea­tur­ing a graph­ic of the Beck­etts’ daughters?

a. Future Cross­ings 2021, an organ­i­cal­ly farmed Syrah Grenache co-ferment

b. Car­nala 2021, an organ­i­cal­ly farmed Carig­nan based blend

c. Best Day Rosé 2021, organ­i­cal­ly farmed Grenache based rosé

3. Sec­ond Date 2022 Ver­menti­no offers cit­rus notes, nice acid­i­ty and a rich mouth feel. In last mon­th’s arti­cle, Gib­sey paired this wine with:

a. Piz­za and Cae­sar Salad

b. Creamy Pas­ta Car­bonara with Pro­sciut­to and Asparagas

c. Arugu­la, Fen­nel and Orange Sal­ad with Lemon Gar­lic Shrimp


4. The Thibido Vine­yard is a wine­mak­er’s vine­yard, locat­ed in the Wil­low Creek Dis­trict of Paso Rob­les and plant­ed with six dif­fer­ent vari­eties of grapes. All the vari­eties plant­ed are Rhône grapes except for one, which is:

a. Zin­fan­del

b. Chardon­nay

c. Mer­lot

5. The web­site went live just after har­vest with two wines on offer. What year did Gib­sey & Josh launch Thibido Winery?

a. 1988

b. 2021

c. 2001


6. For every bot­tle of Thibido you pur­chase, we give back to these two non-prof­it organizations:

a. The Amer­i­can Red Cross & The Rotary Foundation

b. 1% For The Plan­et & MUST! Charities

c. Organ­ic Vine­yards of Amer­i­ca & Bees For The Planet

7. We’re con­sci­en­tious about every step of our process, from wine­grow­ing to wine­mak­ing, and we apply that same approach to our pack­ag­ing. What’s unique about the way we pack­age our wine?

a. 100% Cork that is 100% compostable

b. 100% Post Con­sumer Waste Paper that’s not chem­i­cal­ly treat­ed for our labels

c. Light­weight glass bot­tles and recy­clable box­es for earth-friend­ly shipping

d. All of the above

Answer Key: 1.b, 2.b, 3.c, 4.a, 5.b, 6.b, 7.d

6 – 7 Cor­rect: Thibido Pro, 0 – 5 Cor­rect: Get Curi­ous & Open Your Thibido Emails 

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