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Summer Wine Shipping: Keeping Your Cool

Wine shipped directly to you, even in summer.

Savor­ing a glass of wine on a sum­mer evening is my favorite way to enjoy the warmer weath­er. Hot­ter temps can be chal­leng­ing for us to ensure your wine is shipped to you safe­ly. Find out all the secrets of how it can be done suc­cess­ful­ly right here:

  1. Patience is a virtue: We watch those weath­er maps every day to be sure tem­per­a­tures aren’t too hot here in Paso Rob­les and wher­ev­er you’re receiv­ing your wine. 
  2. Can’t wait? We’ve added UPS 2 Day Air in your wine ship­ping options for the safest deliv­ery. Sim­ply Edit’ your ship­ping options to select.
  3. Stay vig­i­lant and track your ship­ment through the emailed con­fir­ma­tion. Deliv­ery issues often arise when recip­i­ents are unavail­able. Pack­ages left in hot trucks can be problematic.
  4. If the weath­er is warm (over 90 degrees), pack­ag­ing with ice helps main­tain wine’s tem­per­a­ture dur­ing transit.
  5. Pack­ing wine in a case instead of a few bot­tles improves tem­per­a­ture reten­tion and low­ers ship­ping costs per bottle.
  6. A sign that your wine is cooked will be a popped cork or semi-popped cork, or aro­mas of stewed fruit and a more acidic, nut­ty taste.

By keep­ing these tips in mind, you’ll increase the chances of receiv­ing your wine in per­fect con­di­tion, even in the summer. 

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