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Thibido Vineyard Certified Organic

Organic Farming Recognized

We plant­ed our estate vine­yard with the plan­et in mind. Since the begin­nings in 2019, we’ve applied organ­ic farm­ing tech­niques and have recent­ly earned the offi­cial title of Cer­ti­fied Organ­ic” from the Cal­i­for­nia Cer­ti­fied Organ­ic Farm­ers. Earn­ing this title took three years and plen­ty of earth con­scious farm­ing choic­es along the way.

Organic Farming In The Vineyard

Thibido YouTube Videos

The Thibido vine­yard, sit­u­at­ed in the pres­ti­gious Wil­low Creek Dis­trict on the west side of Paso Rob­les, offers favor­able soil, topog­ra­phy, sun expo­sure and coastal influ­ence. Devel­oped in 2018 and plant­ed in 2019 on raw land, we’ve applied organ­ic farm­ing prac­tices from the start. Below you’ll see links to our YouTube Chan­nel where we’ve doc­u­ment­ed some of the sea­son­al cycles of the Thibido Estate Vineyard.

In win­ter, we use amend­ments like organ­ic com­post and Non-GMO cov­er crops to retain mois­ture, replen­ish the soil and root sys­tems with min­er­als and nutri­ents. Watch this video to see Josh apply com­post in the vine­yard HERE.

Water ero­sion is real when your vine­yard is plant­ed on a steep hill so we’ve learned to deter seri­ous dam­age by installing a large pit drain and sea­son­al­ly install hay wad­dles and spread hay bales to car­pet the steep­est zones. See Josh’s tech­nique HERE.

I’m immense­ly proud of this organ­ic acknowl­edge­ment,” states Josh Beck­ett, Every­thing about organ­ic is bet­ter. The plants look vibrant and hap­py, the soil even smells bet­ter. You can see the health of the organ­ic mat­ter in the soil and watch the vine­yard teem­ing with an assort­ment of life. I enjoy spend­ing time in this vine­yard because I know it’s a con­tribut­ing part of the eco-system.”

Organic Year Round

Just before spring, we bring in sheep to trim growth and con­tribute nat­ur­al fer­til­iz­er. Hand prun­ing and hand train­ing the vines is done in the spring and sum­mer as you’ll see in THIS VIDEO. Weeds are hand-hoed which is hard work! Once or twice a spring we drag a Clemens weed knife through the vine­yard to cut the roots of the weeds with­out harm­ing the vines. You can see a video of this cool tech­nique in our vine­yard HERE.

Only about fif­teen vine­yards are cer­ti­fied organ­ic in Paso Rob­les and only a hand­ful are locat­ed in the Wil­low Creek Dis­trict. Organ­ic farm­ing requires atten­tive care and a ded­i­cat­ed hands-on approach. By main­tain­ing the high­est lev­el of farm­ing prac­tices, we’re grow­ing the best fruit to pro­duce the great­est wine. CCOF will con­tin­ue to inspect our vine­yard as we main­tain this excit­ing new organ­ic certification.

What about the wine?

Great food and great wine begin with qual­i­ty ingre­di­ents. Farm to table food­ies have tout­ed the impor­tance of fruit, veg­gies, grains and meats grown con­sci­en­tious­ly to insure the utmost fla­vors in every bite. This same thought­ful­ness rings very true for winemaking.

Fla­vor pro­files are expo­nen­tial­ly enhanced when using organ­ic ingre­di­ents and this makes every­thing taste bet­ter! Please enjoy our wine know­ing that no harm­ful chem­i­cals were ever applied. 

We’ll print the CCOF logo on all of our estate wine bot­tles to share the won­der­ful news!

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