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THIBIDO: What’s In A Name?

Family Origins

Wel­come to Thibido Win­ery, where we’re often asked, How do you say that?” Pro­nounced to rhyme with Figaro” from The Bar­ber of Seville, Thibido is a play­ful iter­a­tion of a fam­i­ly name with a great backstory.

Josh’s mom was born Nan­cy Thi­bo­do and the Thi­bo­do fam­i­ly is inspi­ra­tional to us and our new brand. Nancy’s lega­cy of com­mu­ni­ty spir­it and phil­an­thropy is deeply root­ed in her her­itage. As a found­ing mem­ber of the Paso Rob­les Youth Arts Foun­da­tion, the co-founder of Peachy Canyon Win­ery and a beloved dance teacher at Class Act Dance Stu­dio, Nan­cy has car­ried on a tra­di­tion of gen­eros­i­ty and com­mu­ni­ty build­ing from her par­ents. The Thi­bo­do fam­i­ly of Vista, Cal­i­for­nia have embod­ied gen­eros­i­ty and a pas­sion for giv­ing back. Their work with the Boys and Girls’ Club, YMCA, 4‑H Club and var­i­ous city projects has made a last­ing impact, and it’s this very spir­it that we aim to bot­tle here at Thibido Winery.

A Family Legacy Continued

At Thibido Win­ery, we’re com­mit­ted to more than just mak­ing great wine. We car­ry on the Thi­bo­do family’s tra­di­tion of com­mu­ni­ty engage­ment by being active mem­bers of 1% For The Plan­et, sup­port­ing local Must! Char­i­ties, active mem­bers of the Paso Rob­les Wine Coun­try Alliance and our local At Her Table SLO. Our cer­ti­fied organ­ic vine­yard is the star of our brand and the recip­i­ent of a lot of our time. Our hands-on approach means we can focus on sus­tain­abil­i­ty and con­scious choic­es in every aspect of our pro­duc­tion, from the vine­yard to the bot­tle. We take pride in con­nect­ing with oth­er small busi­ness­es and ensur­ing our wines are avail­able in fam­i­ly-owned restau­rants and shops through­out SLO Coun­ty and beyond.

Just The Two Of Us

As a team of just two peo­ple, Josh and I pour our hearts into every bot­tle of Thibido wine and every rela­tion­ship we build. We enjoy con­nect­ing with small busi­ness­es to col­lab­o­rate on events, share our wines and make the world a bet­ter place with every inter­ac­tion. We always look for­ward to per­son­al­ly host­ing our wine club mem­bers in inti­mate gath­er­ings when shar­ing our new­ly released wines. We’re proud to car­ry on the fam­i­ly lega­cy of com­mu­ni­ty and phil­an­thropy. Cheers to wines with per­son­al­i­ty, pur­pose, and a touch of com­mu­ni­ty spirit!