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Why Join? Wine Club Membership Explained

Membership & The Winery

Wine club mem­ber­ships come in all shapes and sizes and every win­ery offers one. So, why join one? What’s the cost? And what’s the catch?

Wine clubs allow wine lovers to receive the newest wines released and a spe­cial con­nec­tion to the win­ery. As a club mem­ber you enjoy con­ve­nience, oppor­tu­ni­ty, mem­ber ben­e­fits and choice. We val­ue our mem­bers above all else because mem­ber­ship helps guide the win­ery’s over­all pro­duc­tion and helps pre­dict sup­ply and demand. When you sign up as a club mem­ber, you not only cre­ate a per­son­al con­nec­tion between you and the win­ery, but you help the win­ery to bet­ter esti­mate how much wine to produce.

At Thibido WIn­ery, when you join, your mem­ber­ship begins right away, dis­counts applied! You’ll ini­ti­ate an online account on our web­site and enter your ship­ping details and pay­ment. This is where you can select your wines, add orders, or update your address or payment.

Subscription or Traditional?

The sub­scrip­tion club is the most flex­i­ble, where you choose the num­ber of bot­tles and the fre­quen­cy the wines are shipped. As a sub­scrip­tion mem­ber you’ll receive a 10% dis­count, may select as few as two bot­tles per ship­ment or as many as six, and can have your wines shipped in our beau­ti­ful logo box­es every three or every four months. Ship­ments can cost as lit­tle as $100.

Tra­di­tion­al club mem­ber­ships at Thibido Win­ery are either the Casu­al Club or Social Club. When you join, you’ll receive three wines or six wines in April and anoth­er three or six wines in Octo­ber. These wines are new releas­es shipped to you first before the gen­er­al pub­lic may pur­chase them! Eas­i­ly curate your wine selec­tion in your online account any­time. Casu­al Club mem­bers receive 10% dis­count and three new­ly released wines in each ship­ment. Our Social Club offers the most wine per ship­ment at the best dis­count. Mem­bers receive six bot­tles of wine at 20% dis­count in April, and anoth­er six bot­tles in Octo­ber. All dis­counts apply to any wines pur­chased through­out the year of your membership.

As a mem­ber you agree to receive two ship­ments. Once you’ve ful­filled your com­mit­ment you’re free to change or dis­con­tin­ue your membership.

Discounts Applied And More

Mem­bers enjoy up to 20% off any wine pur­chased, a dis­count that’s auto­mat­i­cal­ly applied to your club ship­ments and any wines pur­chased through­out the year. We also offer mem­bers com­pli­men­ta­ry ship­ping on club ship­ments and any addi­tion­al pur­chas­es you make at any time. Send­ing Thibido wines as a gift? Your dis­count applies and we’ll ship it free of cost. Gib­sey will even hand write your pal a note to include in the shipment.

So why wait? Trade your hit-and-miss gro­cery wine selec­tions for deli­cious, hand­craft­ed, small pro­duc­tion wine shipped direct­ly to your door from Thibido Winery.

Learn More About Clubs