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Wine Quiz

Fall 2022

Record your answers to these ten ques­tions. Cor­rect your quiz with the answer key at the end.

1. What qual­i­ties does a clay ampho­ra encour­age in our Grenache Blanc?

  1. Acid­i­ty and cloudiness
  2. Min­er­al­i­ty and a creamy texture
  3. Friend­ly charis­ma and a sense of humor
  4. All of the above

2. How is Rosé made?

  1. With white grapes and a splash of red wine
  2. With red grapes, juice and skins briefly inter­act dur­ing pressing
  3. With tra­di­tion­al foot treading
  4. With lots of love every Feb­ru­ary 14

- — - — -

3. Why is Rosé con­sid­ered the per­fect sum­mer companion?

  1. It is fruity, fresh and juicy with bright flavors
  2. Its pink col­or com­ple­ments bold­ly fla­vored food
  3. It is meant to be con­sumed warm, so no chill­ing is necessary
  4. All of the above

4. Asso­ci­at­ed with the French region of Beau­jo­lais, this style of wine­mak­ing is known for pro­duc­ing light, low tan­nin, fruit-for­ward wines:

  1. Sauternes
  2. Car­bon­ic
  3. Ferme la Bouche
  4. Cham­pagne

5. The 2020 Just Because Syrah is

  1. A car­bon­ic wine with savory lay­ers and unob­tru­sive tannins
  2. Made from Syrah in the Wil­low Creek Dis­trict of Paso Robles
  3. A wine named Editor’s Choice with a 93 point score in Wine Enthusiast
  4. All of the above

- — - — -

6. What is the canopy in a vineyard?

  1. Can­vas shade cloth
  2. Hip tree­house for vine­yard viewing
  3. Leafy vine branches
  4. Found in sandy soil

7. What sea­son does a wine­grow­er con­sid­er drop­ping fruit to ensure quality?

  1. Win­ter
  2. Spring
  3. Sum­mer
  4. Fall

8. At Thibido, our goal is to pro­duce about ___ clus­ters per vine.

  1. 5
  2. 10
  3. 24
  4. As many as possible

9. Hang­ing too much fruit on a young vine creates

  1. Stress and low­ers the qual­i­ty of the fruit
  2. High qual­i­ty fruit at high volume
  3. Mag­ic Beans
  4. Wines high in Ph

10. Prop­er shoot place­ment results in:

  1. Lots of sun to each grape cluster
  2. Sparse areas so the clus­ters have room to grow
  3. Plen­ti­ful fruit growth on each vine
  4. A well-bal­anced vine that pro­tects the clus­ters from sunburn

Answer Key:

1. 2

2. 2

3. 1

4. 2

5. 4

6. 3

7. 3

8. 2

9. 1

10. 4

Score: 1 – 4 You’re no wine buff, hit the books. 5 – 8 You know just enough to be dan­ger­ous. 9 – 10 Win­ning wine expert of Thibido Winery.