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A Parent’s View on Growth & Farming

This win­ter, our daugh­ters worked togeth­er in the vine­yard remov­ing cable ties on the vines to pre­pare for a new sea­son of growth. Now 17 and 20, our chil­dren are matur­ing into insight­ful adults and like the vines, each year offers an oppor­tu­ni­ty for us as par­ents to loosen the ties a bit more and watch as they blos­som. Par­ent­ing is a lot like farm­ing, requir­ing atten­tive­ness to apply our efforts at opti­mal times. We care­ful­ly guide and allow each vine the oppor­tu­ni­ty to dis­cov­er their full potential.

Win­ter in the vine­yard is a sea­son of care and prepa­ra­tion for the year ahead, a time to nur­ture the land and the vines. In addi­tion to loos­en­ing the ties that once guid­ed young shoots, we’ve spread hay between the rows to pro­tect the soil from ero­sion. We added organ­ic com­post mate­r­i­al to replen­ish the earth with nutri­ents and ensure its vital­i­ty. It’s hum­bling and hard work, and every step reminds us of the bal­ance between nur­tur­ing and let­ting go, whether in par­ent­ing or farming.

Our kids have matured at their own pace and we’ve learned that growth isn’t some­thing forced; we can only cre­ate the con­di­tions that encour­age it. The vine­yard teach­es us patience, resilience, and the val­ue of putting in the time. And while the vines rest qui­et­ly through the win­ter, their roots are deep­en­ing, draw­ing strength from the soil. It’s a les­son we car­ry with us into our fam­i­ly life: that growth often hap­pens unseen, dur­ing the qui­et moments of prepa­ra­tion and reflection.

As we look ahead to the spring, we’re full of hope and filled with grat­i­tude for this shared jour­ney — with our chil­dren, in the vine­yard, and with all of you. Thank you for being part of Thibido’s sto­ry. Here’s to a sea­son of growth, dis­cov­ery, and the excit­ing poten­tial of what lies ahead.