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Winter Wine Quiz

Test your knowl­edge of our past arti­cles and see how you rate with this series of wine questions.



1. An ampho­ra is:

a. A grape vari­etal used in red blends

b. A clay ves­sel used to fer­ment and age wine

c. Batman’s oth­er vehicle

2. What type of wine does Josh make in an ampho­ra? Bonus points for recall­ing the name!

a. Rosé

b. White

c. Red

3. This year’s har­vest of 2022 was:

a. Rainy, cool and so slow-paced we were pick­ing into November

b. Fast, furi­ous and hot with tem­per­a­tures at 110+ for mul­ti­ple days

4. Our white wine has been First Date, 100% Grenache Blanc for the past two vin­tages. Josh made a new white wine this year due for release in April and the 2022 vin­tage will be which varietal?

a. Albar­iño

b. Grün­er Veltliner

c. Ver­menti­no



5. We cel­e­brat­ed one year of busi­ness in Octo­ber, 2022 with a par­ty and new wines for the wine club! Our wine club release wines, still avail­able to new mem­bers, are:

a. Best Day Rosé 21, Tempt­ing Tem­pranil­lo 20, Must Have Mer­lot 20

b. First Date 21 Grenache Blanc, Just Because 21 Car­bon­ic Syrah, The Bed­fel­low 20 Syrah

c. A trio of blends from the Ade­lai­da District


6. Gib­sey loves hol­i­day snacks and at the Beck­ett house you’re sure to find:

a. Piz­za bites, Dori­tos and Syrah

b. Veg­gie trays and Rosé

c. Castel­ve­tra­no olives, cit­rus pop­corn and Grenache Blanc


7. Here at Thibido Win­ery, we feel that Dry Jan­u­ary” is:

a. For the birds

b. A grand idea

8. In the vine­yard, win­ter is a sea­son of:

a. Busy activ­i­ty full of prun­ing, weed­ing, and irrigating

b. Patience; we com­post and cov­er crop, tend to ero­sion con­trol and watch and wait for spring

c. Drop­ping fruit and leaf thin­ning and enjoy­ing the sunshine!



1. b

2. b

3. c

4. c

5. b

6. c

7. a

8. b

Score: 1 – 3 You’re no wine buff, hit the books. 4 – 6 You know just enough to be dan­ger­ous. 7 – 8 Win­ning wine expert of Thibido Winery.