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Just Because

Car­bon­ic Syrah | 2022

Full-bodied and intensely colored, this carbonic Syrah struts across the palate flaunting ripe blue fruits, sultry crushed stone and black pepper. A ripe concentration with an attitude that’s ready to party, darling.

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Just Because, Carbonic Syrah, red wine, hip wine
Carbonic Syrah, Red wine, organic fruit, food pairing
  • 95 Sunset Int'l Wine Competition
  • 91 Wine Enthusiast
  • 90 James Suckling

Opulent blackberry hue, this Syrah opens with a bouquet of fresh flowers and subtle, dusty earth in the nose. Despite the extended time on its stems, this wine offers mild drying tannins to enhance the lush fruit flavors, pencil shavings and velvety strawberry liqueur. Layers of wet stone and spicy cinnamon carry the wine across your palate with attitude.

This wine begs to pair with steak and frites, or grilled mushroom, and a simple salad. Voila!

More About this Wine
  • ALCO­HOL14.5%
  • HAR­VEST9−2−21
  • BRIX21.0
  • PH3.24
  • TA7.0
  • ORI­GINHome­stead Hill Vineyard
  • BLEND100% Syrah
Carbonic Syrah, red wine, cheers, holiday dinner wine
  • Josh, Gibsey, vineyard, red wine
  • Steak and fries, chimichurri, red wine, food pairing

    Well-sea­soned steak and frites enhance this wine’s pep­per and blue fruit notes.

  • Carbonic Syrah, Red wine, date night, kitchen
  • Hippie Hill, The Bedfellow, Just Because, fall wine club 2023
  • Hands in the kitchen, carbonic Syrah, Just Because 2022
  • cozy couple, red wine, fall
  • Red wine, pouring, carbonic Syrah, organic

more about this wine

The third iter­a­tion of this unique car­bon­ic Syrah, wine­mak­er, Josh Beck­ett, con­tin­ues his play­ful­ness in the cel­lar with the 2022 vin­tage of Just Because.

Begin­ning with pris­tine fruit is the key to suc­cess in car­bon­ic fer­men­ta­tion, and buck­ing the trend of using light-bod­ied vari­eties like Gamay or Grenache in this style is my inspi­ra­tion. The depth of Syrah’s per­son­al­i­ty is fun to play with in a car­bon­ic style because the fer­men­ta­tion enhances qual­i­ties of the wine in unex­pect­ed ways,” Beck­ett shares.

The hand-har­vest­ed Syrah orig­i­nat­ed from Sher­man Thacher’s Home­stead Hill Vine­yard and arrived whole clus­ter to the fer­men­ta­tion ves­sel. The car­bon­ic process began in an anaer­o­bic envi­ron­ment (using CO2 to expunge all oxy­gen) and native yeasts pro­mot­ed the intra­cel­lu­lar fer­men­ta­tion. Autovini­fi­ca­tion occurs here where the weight of the clus­ters nat­u­ral­ly press the stems and grape skins to con­tribute to the result­ing elec­tric pur­ple hue and a pleas­ing tan­nins of this wine. An extend­ed forty nine days in this car­bon­ic state extract­ed the utmost in fla­vor, col­or and tannin.

The car­bon­ic process is a blind jour­ney, and this vin­tage I opt­ed to inter­rupt the process in an effort to shep­herd the wine to its utmost poten­tial.” After forty-nine days, the mac­er­at­ed clus­ters and their juice were destemmed and intro­duced to a tra­di­tion­al open top ves­sel. This shift allowed Beck­ett to taste the wine and deter­mine how much more skin con­tact via hand punch downs this wine called for to fur­ther con­cen­trate the Syrah. The wine fin­ished in neu­tral French Oak bar­rels until bot­tling in July, 2023.

Every vin­tage I enjoy the oppor­tu­ni­ty to play and exper­i­ment with the Thibido wines and I’m thrilled with the result­ing 2022 Just Because.”

Saint Joseph-like blue fruits, bay leaf, crushed stone, and pepper notes all emerge from the 2021 Just Because, a deeply hued, medium to full-bodied Syrah with serious ripeness, yet it holds it together. Jeb Dun­nuck, Wine Crit­ic (Aug. 30th 2023)

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Hands, people, table, cheers, wine