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Rhône Wine Glass by Riedel

Riedel’s Winew­ings line is dis­tinc­tive­ly shaped to make Syrah the star per­former. The lus­cious glass is per­fect for bal­anc­ing the grip­ping tan­nins and con­cen­trat­ed fruit of Syrah wine and many oth­er red Rhônes.

The unique shape brings for­ward the soft fruit, earthy char­ac­ter­is­tics, and high­lights a long savory fin­ish. It brings out the wine’s silky, vel­vety struc­ture and bal­anced fla­vors. Enjoy with our Just Because, Home­stead Made or any red Rhône vari­etal.

This pack con­tains a sin­gle glass.
Machine-made and dish­wash­er safe.

This wine glass pairs per­fect­ly with the fol­low­ing wines:

Thibido Just Because Syrah 21

Thibido 20 The Bedfellow

Sor­ry this wine glass is SOLD OUT. Check out our oth­er prod­ucts HERE.

Sold Out

Rhône Wine Glass by Riedel