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White Wine Glasses by Riedel

This Vinum glass by Riedel is per­fect for allow­ing our Grenache Blanc to express fresh­ness, spici­ness, and min­er­al char­ac­ters.

The glass is designed so the white wine vari­ety’s low acid­i­ty is deliv­ered in a way that sets off the alco­hol and rich fla­vors of the wine. The del­i­cate shape high­lights vel­vety, sup­ple tex­ture, empha­siz­ing the fruit and ensur­ing a long, bal­anced fin­ish. Appro­pri­ate for not only Grenache Blanc, but also Chardon­nay, Viog­nier and oth­er Rhône whites.

Machine-made and dish­wash­er safe.
This pack con­tains two glasses.

Sor­ry this wine glass is SOLD OUT. Check out some of our oth­er prod­ucts HERE.

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