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The Bedfellow

Syrah | 2021

NEW RELEASE: Seductive and luscious, this wine impresses with jammy berries, chocolate notes, and layers of pepper on firm tannins. Introduce this Syrah at your next dinner party and get to know The Bedfellow better.

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  • 93 Sunset International Wine Competition
  • 91 Vinous
  • 91 James Suckling
  • 93 Owen Bargreen

Deep purple garnet hue, layers of chocolate, berries, plum, coffee, and a tantalizing flinty note. Hints of leather and caramel add to the allure, while firm tannins add elements of olive pit and crushed red pepper. This wine finishes with the sophistication of black tea, leaving a lingering, unforgettable impression.

Pair this wine with a juicy burger or spicy coffee garlic shrimp to enhance the wine’s flint and coffee notes. Savor this beautiful Syrah now or store in your cellar for 2 – 5 years to experience more nuances of this layered wine.

More About this Wine
  • Alco­hol14.2%
  • HAR­VEST9−2−21
  • BRIX21
  • pH3.32
  • TA6.4
  • ORI­GINHome­stead Hill Vineyard
  • BLEND100% Syrah
  • Cel­e­brate every occa­sion with the sul­try lay­ers of Syrah

  • Say yes to Cof­fee Gar­lic Shrimp and The Bed­fel­low 2021

more about this wine

The Bed­fel­low 2021 Syrah is a tes­ta­ment to the art of pre­ci­sion wine­mak­ing, a wine that embod­ies ele­gance. Hand­picked in the ear­ly morn­ing hours, the grapes under­went metic­u­lous sort­ing, ensur­ing that only the most pris­tine fruit found its way into the open-top vessel.

50% of the grapes were kept intact as whole clus­ters, impart­ing a grace­ful bal­ance of tan­nins and cool cli­mate sub­tleties. The remain­ing fruit was gen­tly destemmed, allow­ing for a har­mo­nious fusion of fruit qual­i­ties. Native fer­men­ta­tion unfold­ed at a cool and unhur­ried pace, embrac­ing the skins for a remark­able 34 days. Old-fash­ioned foot tread­ing was applied to fur­ther draw out the nuanced tannins.

Fol­low­ing a gen­tle bas­ket press, the juice was left to set­tle before being trans­ferred to French oak bar­riques. There, it matured for eigh­teen months, with 50% of the bar­rels being new and the remain­ing bar­rel time in neu­tral oak. This atten­tive wine­mak­ing process yields a Paso Rob­les Syrah that defies expec­ta­tion, boast­ing low­er brix and alco­hol lev­els, yet exud­ing ele­gance and finesse in every sip.

Jammy blackberries, black raspberries, pepper, and cedary herb notes all emerge from the 2021 The Bedfellow, an über-ripe (tasting, not from the alcohol) Syrah that’s medium to full-bodied, up-front, and ready to go. Jeb Dun­nuck (Aug. 30th 2023)

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