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We’re mak­ing wines we want you to meet. Metic­u­lous­ly hand­craft­ed in Paso Rob­les, Cal­i­for­nia and shipped direct­ly to your door.

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Now accepting new members

Become a big part of some­thing small here at Thibido when you join one of our wine clubs. We believe in the pow­er of gen­uine con­nec­tions and shar­ing a love of wine with our mem­bers. We’ve cre­at­ed club lev­els to suit every style so you can expe­ri­ence our wines and get to know what we’re all about.

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Edgy, sandy tannins…well-balanced flavors. -Matt Kettman

The tannic tension is unabashed….expect to enjoy for years to come.” -Matt Kettman

old school approach new school attitude

Sec­ond gen­er­a­tion wine­mak­ing and wine­grow­ing, we’re blend­ing all the best aspects of our expe­ri­ence into the wines at Thibido. Our love for grow­ing qual­i­ty fruit with earth con­scious prac­tices cul­mi­nat­ed in mak­ing wine we want to drink and know you will, too.

Meet the Makers

the sus­tain­able method is more TIME CON­SUM­ING but ulti­mate­ly results in BET­TER WINE

Our Vineyard & Practices