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Five Chillable Red Wines To Beat The Summer Heat

By Jamie Guzman

After a long, wet win­ter spring has final­ly sprung! If you are famil­iar with Cen­tral Coast sea­sons, you know that it is only a mat­ter of days until the weath­er is in the high 90s to 100s and we are seek­ing refuge from the heat with a cold drink in our hand. Find­ing a nice chilled wine is an easy feat for a white wine fan, but what about the red wine lovers? You’re in luck! We asked our winer­ies what their favorite red wines are best served chilled so that you are pre­pared for the upcom­ing sum­mer days.

Just Because 2021 Syrah
Caar­bon­ic Syrah from the Wil­low Creek Dis­trict of Paso Robles

Thibido Win­ery – Just Because 2021 – Car­bon­ic Syrah

We are sure the word car­bon­ic” caught your eye. If you are not famil­iar with what a car­bon­ic wine is or what makes a car­bon­ic wine, this process is called car­bon­ic mac­er­a­tion. This wine­mak­ing tech­nique is often used to make red wines fruiti­er and soft­en their tan­nins. Punchy tan­nins and bright berries make this car­bon­ic Syrah an enter­tain­ing din­ner guest. Forth­com­ing in fla­vor, offer­ing lay­ers of intrigue. We love this wine chilled down to 55 or at room temp. A deli­cious­ly fun wine!” If you want to learn more about car­bon­ic mac­er­a­tion, check out this arti­cle by Wine Enthu­si­ast!

What­ev­er you choose to put in your glass, we hope you beat the heat this sum­mer enjoy­ing some great Paso wines!

Emer­cy Wines – 2020 Cul­ver Caber­net Sauvignon

Cab lovers rejoice! Caber­net Sauvi­gnon is not often the first red wine vari­etal you would think to chill, but Emer­cy has cre­at­ed a Cab per­fect year round! This beau­ty offers up a clas­sic bou­quet of black­cur­rants, lead pen­cil, san­dal­wood, and sap­py green herbs. Medi­um to full-bod­ied and impec­ca­bly bal­anced. ” Enjoy the Cul­ver Cab at 55 degrees on those warmer days out­side or at room tem­per­a­ture any time!

Stil­son Cel­lars – 2019 The Return

A take on the pop­u­lar blend GSM (Grenache, Syrah, Mourvè­dre) this Mourvè­dre heavy blend is com­posed of 42% Mourvè­dre, 38% Grenache, and 20% Syrah. Fine-grained tan­nin cas­cade over the palate stag­ing dimen­sions of spiced black cher­ry, cran­ber­ry crum­ble, vanil­la lat­te, and Herbs de Provence. Under­scored by a punchy acid­i­ty, the fin­ish is sea­soned with nuances of clove tobac­co, pink pep­per­corn, and a dash of blood orange pith.” This blend offers all of the fla­vor pro­files you could ask for in a medi­um-bod­ied red wine! Best served at 50 – 54°F.

Tablas Creek Vine­yard – 2021 Counoise

Counoise, pro­nounced Coon-wahz, is a vari­etal you don’t hear about often, but is the per­fect vari­etal to enjoy with a light chill to it. The Counoise grape has an unusu­al com­bi­na­tion of vibrant blue and pur­ple fruit (blue­ber­ries and cran­ber­ries), sweet spice (nut­meg and cin­na­mon), light-to-medi­um body, bright acid­i­ty, ruby col­or, and soft tan­nin.” Counoise’s light body allows for this wine to be enjoyed chilled or at room tem­per­a­ture on these warm days. Tablas Creek sug­gests enjoy­ing their 2021 Counoise at 58 degrees.

Thacher Win­ery & Vine­yard – 2021 Cinsault

Cin­sault (sin-so) is anoth­er hard-to-pro­nounce vari­etal that makes for a great chilled red. A wine for every meal and sea­son, this bot­tling offers cran­ber­ry, pot­pour­ri, dank herb, and fen­nel pollen on the nose. Crisp rasp­ber­ry and pome­gran­ate fla­vors enliv­en the palate, where cracked pep­per and an array of herbs add com­plex­i­ty.” Sim­i­lar to the Counoise in body, the Cin­sault is also best served at 58 degrees.

What­ev­er you choose to put in your glass, we hope you beat the heat this sum­mer enjoy­ing some great Paso wines!