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Summer Sips: Two Wines To Try

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We wel­come longer days and warmer temps, and look for­ward to gath­er­ing with friends and fam­i­ly to cel­e­brate sum­mer! Hav­ing the right wines on hand can enhance any gath­er­ing. We’re shar­ing two unique wines that can be enjoyed chilled. These two wines are great con­ver­sa­tion starters and per­fect pair­ings for any sum­mer gathering.

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Intro­duc­ing Sec­ond Date 2023,” a stand­out 100% Ver­menti­no, which is vini­fied and aged in a 500L ampho­ra. This wine daz­zles with its light straw col­or and bright com­plex­ion, evok­ing the fresh zest of cit­rus and the allure of trop­i­cal fruits. With each sip, you’ll dis­cov­er a lush palate of lemon, gua­va, and a sub­tle hint of slate, all bal­anced beau­ti­ful­ly by a refresh­ing min­er­al­i­ty that speaks to the unique ter­roir of our vine­yard. As the wine warms to room tem­per­a­ture, its com­plex lay­ers unfold, reveal­ing a smooth tex­ture enhanced by vibrant acid­i­ty, mak­ing it not just a wine, but an experience.

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For those who dare to ven­ture into the realm of chill­able reds, our Just Because 2022” offers an excit­ing jour­ney. Yes, you can chill this red wine as a won­der­ful way to enjoy hot weath­er with an alter­na­tive to white or rosé. This 100% Syrah, craft­ed from organ­i­cal­ly farmed, pris­tine fruit, under­goes a car­bon­ic fer­men­ta­tion process. In a sen­tence, car­bon­ic fer­men­ta­tion is a method where whole grape clus­ters are fer­ment­ed in a sealed envi­ron­ment filled with car­bon diox­ide, lead­ing to a fruity, less tan­nic wine. The car­bon­ic process is a blind jour­ney, and this vin­tage I opt­ed to inter­rupt the process in an effort to shep­herd the wine to its utmost poten­tial. After forty-nine days, the mac­er­at­ed clus­ters and their juice were destemmed and intro­duced to a tra­di­tion­al open top ves­sel,” shares wine­mak­er, Josh Beck­ett. This care­ful inter­ven­tion and fin­ish­ing in neu­tral French Oak bar­rels high­light the wine’s ripe blue fruit fla­vors, crushed stone, and black pep­per notes.

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Pair­ing these wines is an excit­ing endeav­or. The Sec­ond Date” Ver­menti­no sings along­side seafood dish­es, espe­cial­ly grilled octo­pus or a fresh ceviche, enhanc­ing the briny, ocean­ic fla­vors with its hint of the sea. The Just Because” Syrah, on the oth­er hand, is a per­fect match for hearti­er fare such as smoked brisket or a char­cu­terie plat­ter that com­ple­ments its robust, pep­pery pro­file. These pair­ings promise to make any meal mem­o­rable, turn­ing a sim­ple din­ner into a fes­tive feast. As the sum­mer sea­son con­tin­ues, keep these wines in mind for your next gath­er­ing — they are sure to make every sip feel like a cel­e­bra­tion. Cheers to a sea­son filled with joy, good com­pa­ny, and great wine!

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