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Syrah and Savory Shortbread

Wine and Shortbread

Savory cook­ies are the per­fect excuse to crack open a bot­tle of wine and set­tle in with your guests dur­ing the hol­i­days. These Gruyère and Thyme Short­bread Cook­ies fea­ture fra­grant herbs and an ele­ment of sophistication. 

But­tery crumb cook­ie is accen­tu­at­ed by the earthy thyme, and pairs per­fect­ly with a bold red wine. We rec­om­mend one of our Syrahs to pair with this unique twist on a cheese dessert.

Crack a bot­tle of THE BED­FEL­LOW 2022 Syrah blend to pair the cookie’s herba­ceous notes with the wine’s lush berry fla­vors and spicy pep­per under­tones. A lighter coun­ter­part is the JUST BECAUSE 2023, 100% Syrah with a live­ly burst of lush berries, bright acid­i­ty and a play­ful hint of white pep­per. This unbri­dled Syrah offers depth to the palate with every nib­ble of cookie.

We’re all for lin­ger­ing with our guests dur­ing the hol­i­days and these cook­ies will serve as an after din­ner treat, an after­noon open­er, or even a late night snack! Enjoy!

The Bedfellow



  • 34 cups flour
  • 1 cup cubed butter
  • 12 cups shred­ded Gruyère cheese
  • 1 table­spoon fresh thyme leaves
  • 12 tea­spoon fresh rosemary
  • 12 teap­soon salt
  • 14 tea­spoon dry mustard
  • 18 tea­spoon fresh­ly grat­ed nutmeg


    1. Com­bine the but­ter and flour in the bowl of a food proces­sor and process until you have coarse crumbs.
    2. Add the remain­ing ingre­di­ents and mix until the dough forms a ball.
    3. Place the dough on your work sur­face, light­ly knead to incor­po­rate any of the remain­ing flour.
    4. Roll the dough into a thick log and wrap it in plas­tic wrap. Refrig­er­ate for at 1 – 2 hours.
    5. Pre­heat the oven to 350 F.
    6. Slice the short­bread crack­ers and place in a parch­ment lined bak­ing sheet and bake for 13 – 15 min­utes or until gold­en brown around the edges. OPTION­AL: Add a pinch of course sea salt to top of each cook­ie round.
    7. Cool in the pan 5 min­utes and remove to a wire rack to cool completely.