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Zodiac Wines For Cancer Signs!

red wine, hands, opener, Gibsey Josh Beckett, THibido Winery

Horoscope: Cancer + Carignan

The sum­mer sea­son is a great time to explore the Zodi­ac and the per­son­al­i­ty traits of peo­ple under the Can­cer sign who are born in this sea­son. Match­ing the char­ac­ter­is­tics of a Can­cer with our new­ly released Carig­nan is an easy task and here’s why: 

Can­cer (June 21 — July 22)

Peo­ple born under the Can­cer zodi­ac sign are known for their emo­tion­al depth, sen­si­tiv­i­ty, and intu­ition. They are often high­ly empa­thet­ic and car­ing indi­vid­u­als, who are fierce­ly loy­al to the peo­ple that they love. Giv­en their sen­si­tive nature, Can­cers appre­ci­ate a wine that is as nuanced and com­plex as they are. Carig­nan, with its dark fruit fla­vors of dried cher­ry and , hints of spice, and sub­tle tan­nins is a great match for a Can­cer’s per­son­al­i­ty. Car­nala 2021, a blend of 83% Carig­nan, 10% Syrah, 7% Mourvè­dre was har­vest­ed from our organ­i­cal­ly farmed estate in the Wil­low Creek Dis­trict of Paso Rob­les. The pris­tine fruit offers rich fla­vor pro­file full of plum, black licorice, graphite, white pep­per, an assort­ment of bak­ing spices. The depth and the many lay­ers of this wine appeals to a Can­cer’s sen­si­tive and intu­itive nature.