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Carig­nan, Syrah, and Mourvèdre | 2021

NEW RELEASE: She’s a whole snack! With sassy red fruits includ­ing dried cher­ry, ripe straw­ber­ry and plum fol­lowed by spice and tobac­co, this estate grown blend is a true beauty.

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  • 93 Wine Enthusiast
  • 91 Vinous
  • 91 James Suckling
  • 90 Jeb Dunnuck

Carnala is a complete sensory experience in a glass! With enticing aromas of dried cherries, baking spices, tobacco, herbs, plum, cranberries and a hint of oak, every sip is a journey for your senses. The palate is lush and full of plum, black licorice, graphite, white pepper, an assortment of baking spices. The fleshy light tannins enhance the delicate structure of the wine with a lingering finish.
2021 proved to be a remarkable one for winegrowing, providing the ideal climate for producing exquisitely balanced wines with outstanding flavor profiles. In Carnala, all three grape varietals were hand-picked from the steep slopes of the Thibido Vineyard. The fruit benefitted from cool foggy mornings which led to longer hanging time on the vine and extended maturation. This growing season yielded an incredible crop of fruit with ideal acidity and intricate flavors. As a winegrower and winemaker, Josh was overjoyed with the quality of the 2021 fruit and eager to craft these estate wines from the Thibido Vineyard.

More About this Wine
  • Alco­hol15%
  • Har­vest9−11−21
  • Brix22.9
  • Ph3.55
  • TA6.4
  • Ori­gin100% Estate Grown, Farmed Organically
  • Blend83% Carig­nan, 10% Syrah, 7% Mourvèdre
  • Pour Car­nala alongsidea wood-fired Carte Blanche piz­za from Della’s in Paso. It’s topped with Buf­fa­lo moz­zarel­la, Cal­abri­an Chiles and Gibsey’s fave, Castel­ve­tra­no olives.

  • Get to know Car­nala bet­ter at your next din­ner party

  • Try Riedel’s Winew­ings For Carig­nan to bring out the best in Carnala

more about this wine

After the grapes were hand har­vest­ed, they were trans­port­ed to the win­ery where the whole clus­ters were first pre­sort­ed pri­or to being destemmed. The berries were then sep­a­rat­ed from the stems and indi­vid­u­al­ly sort­ed once more for any unwant­ed raisins or under­ripe berries. Every step of this wine was han­dled with metic­u­lous care and atten­tion, result­ing in a wine that reflects our com­mit­ment to qual­i­ty in every bottle.

We fer­ment­ed the Carig­nan, Syrah, and Mourvè­dre in indi­vid­ual open top ves­sels, using native yeasts to begin the fer­men­ta­tion process after a few days of soak­ing. To enhance col­or and fla­vor and improve tan­nin extrac­tion, the lots were gen­tly hand punched two to three times each day to keep the juice in con­stant con­tact with the grape skins. Once fer­men­ta­tion was com­plete, all three lots were gen­tly pressed, and the juice was trans­ferred to bar­rel for aging. The wines were blend­ed in the sum­mer of 2022 after a sin­gle rack­ing, then left to co-min­gle as one blend in bar­rel until bot­tling. Car­nala was aged in new and neu­tral French Oak 300-liter bar­rels for 18 months. To retain the wine’s nat­ur­al fla­vor, tex­ture, and aro­ma it was bot­tled unfined and unfil­tered. The extend­ed, con­trolled ripen­ing sea­son of 2021 result­ed in a wine that exhibits robust fla­vors, bright acid­i­ty, and incred­i­bly com­plex, sophis­ti­cat­ed qual­i­ties. The fin­ished blend being 83% Carig­nan, 10% Syrah, and 7% Mourvè­dre. Every sip of Car­nala show­cas­es the metic­u­lous care invest­ed in grow­ing and mak­ing this hand­craft­ed wine.

Candied blueberry and violet aromas draw the nose into this blend of 83% Carignan, 10% Syrah and 7% Mourvèdre. There’s a peppery spice to the palate, where hints of leather add depth to the fresh and vibrant violet açaí flavors.” 93 POINTS MATT KETTMANN Pub­lished 12/1/2023, Wine Enthusiast

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