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Future Crossings

Syrah Grenache Blend | 2021

Divine lay­ers of juicy black­ber­ry, laven­der, fruit leather and cig­ar intro­duce this estate grown wine. Dark and com­plex, this wine is worth get­ting to know better.

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Set the vibe with theFuture Crossings playlist

  • 91 Jeb Dunnuck
  • 91 James Suckling
  • 91 Wine Enthusiast

Grown on our home vineyard in the renowned Willow Creek District of Paso Robles, the Syrah and Grenache were farmed organically and masterfully brought to fruition by owner, Josh Beckett. Selective hand-picking on the same day ensured only the best clusters of grapes went into this wine. The intention to hand-select two varieties of grapes on the same day was intended to initiate a seamless, cohesive journey of Syrah and Grenache from vineyard to co-fermentation, and to barrel and finally to bottle. Once the fruit was selected in the vineyard, it was processed at the winery. 

More About this Wine
  • Alco­hol15%
  • Har­vest9−2−21
  • Brix25.5
  • Ph3.49
  • TA5.7
  • Ori­gin100% Estate Grown, Organ­i­cal­ly Farmed
  • Blend88% Syrah, 12% Grenache
  • All sorts of fla­vors in this cozy cur­ry pair per­fect­ly with Future Crossings

  • Yes this styl­ish Syrah deserves its own playlist

  • This Riedel Syrah glass gives you wings! And we dig it for sip­ping our Syrah

more about this wine

Most of the Syrah was destemmed pri­or to co-fer­men­ta­tion, but a small por­tion was not destemmed. Adding about 25% whole clus­ters to the fer­men­ta­tion ves­sel allowed for stem inclu­sion to enhance fla­vor and tan­nin struc­ture as well as added a slight car­bon­ic fer­men­ta­tion ele­ment to the process. Approx­i­mate­ly 25% of the whole clus­ter Syrah was first lay­ered in the bot­tom of the con­crete tank. The rest of the Syrah and Grenache was then added on top. The mass of the con­crete ves­sel, with its thick walls allowed for a slow and cool fer­men­ta­tion peri­od. The fer­ment was then gen­tly hand punched two to three times each day dur­ing its thir­ty-five days in con­crete. Once the fer­men­ta­tion was com­plete, the tank was dug out by hand where it was loaded into a bas­ket press for a gen­tle squeeze. The juice was trans­ferred to French Oak Bar­rels and laid to rest. This wine was bot­tled unfined and unfil­tered to retain fla­vor, tex­ture, and aroma.

The wine’s col­or is rem­i­nis­cent of a fresh­ly picked bou­quet of vio­lets with a hint of ruby at the edges.

Pun­gent aro­mas of fruit leather, crushed grav­el, laven­der, euca­lyp­tus, cig­ar box and for­est floor are found in the glass. The mouth is juicy and lush with mild tan­nin and offers fla­vors of ripe black­ber­ry, black tea, black cher­ry, olive and cedar notes. We could go on and on about this wine!

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