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Thibido Wines Score big With Critic, Jeb Dunnuck

Outstanding Wines

Renowned wine crit­ic, Jeb Dun­nuck, recent­ly released new scores on a few of Thibido Win­ery’s wines. Dun­nuck­’s rat­ing sys­tem goes like this; wines that are deemed as good as it gets score 96+, out­stand­ing wines earn 90 – 95 points, and very good to good­wines earn 85 – 89 points. Dun­nuck­’s opin­ion offers one per­son­al insight into the wine’s per­son­al­i­ty, age­abil­i­ty and merit.

Future Crossings 2021 Earns 91

Addi­tion­al­ly, Thibido’s Future Cross­ings 2021, an estate-grown Syrah Grenache co-fer­ment, earned a com­mend­able 91 points from Dun­nuck. The review reads, Smoked black­ber­ries, leather, pep­per, and bou­quet gar­ni notes define the 2021 Future Cross­ings, a medi­um to full-bod­ied, ripe, nice­ly bal­anced, high-qual­i­ty Syrah from Paso Rob­les. It brings lots of ripeness but has a bal­anced, sat­is­fy­ing, nice­ly drink­able style with plen­ty to love.”

Carnala 2021 Scores 90

One stand­out from Thibido’s col­lec­tion is the Car­nala 2021, a metic­u­lous­ly craft­ed Carig­nan-based blend. This new label is a show­case of our estate vine­yard where fruit is organ­i­cal­ly farmed by co-own­er, Josh Beck­ett him­self. Dun­nuck award­ed Car­nala an impres­sive 90 points, cat­e­go­riz­ing it as out­stand­ing.” In his review, Dun­nuck notes, Ripe black cher­ries, black­ber­ries, pep­pery herbs, leather, and under­brush notes all emerge from the 2021 Car­nala, a medi­um to full-bod­ied blend based on 83% Carig­nan, 10% Syrah, and 7% Mourvè­dre. It has good puri­ty, ripe tan­nins, and nice­ly inte­grat­ed acid­i­ty, all mak­ing for a ter­rif­ic exam­ple of Carig­nan that read­ers will love. Drink bot­tles over the com­ing 5 – 7 years.”

These rat­ings under­score our com­mit­ment to pro­duc­ing excep­tion­al wines from dirt to bot­tle. As wine lovers seek out the great­est vin­tages, Dun­nuck offers praise for Thibido wines as well as an addi­tion­al opin­ion for con­sumers to con­sid­er as they seek out their favorite bottles.