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Second Date

Ver­menti­no | 2022

Fun and flir­ty, this delight­ful Ver­menti­no offers lip-smack­ing pops of grape­fruit, lemon zest and creamy hon­ey­dew. A great com­pan­ion for sun­set chats, grilled morsels, or unbri­dled adventure. 

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  • 90 Vinous

This 100% Vermentino is a solid white wine with an impeccable pedigree. Grown in the prestigious Paso Ono Vineyard of Paso Robles, California, the vines thrive in sandy, well-draining soil resulting in small berries and more concentrated flavors. Hand-picked in the early morning to retain optimal acidity, the grapes were introduced directly to the press upon arrival to the winery. Following a gentle press, the juice was then transferred to our 80-gallon Amphora tank made of terracotta clay. Both the fermentation process as well as the aging of this wine occurred in the Amphora vessel, remaining on its lees for nearly five months until the wine was bottled in late March. The process of making this wine was as natural and minimalist as possible, using the porous clay of the amphora to stabilize the temperature while concurrently introducing small amounts of oxygen to further enhance the wine’s complexity and showcase the truest qualities of the fruit. 

More About this Wine
  • Alco­hol13.2%
  • Har­vest8-31-2022
  • Bot­tled3-27-2023
  • Brix22.1
  • Ph3.35
  • TA6.5

more about this wine

Sec­ond Date is an Ampho­ra made white wine and this Ver­menti­no is a new vari­etal for Thibido Win­ery. SOLD OUT! Try the NEW VIN­TAGE. A rare grape found in Cal­i­for­nia vine­yards, Ver­menti­no is most com­mon­ly grown in France and Italy, and we’re pleased to pro­duce this vari­ety right here in Paso Rob­les. The ter­roir of the Paso Ono Vine­yard cou­pled with the vini­fi­ca­tion and aging in clay ampho­ra results in enhanced min­er­al­i­ty and salin­i­ty in the wine. A fresh cit­rus palate with bal­anced acid­i­ty, this wine also offers flo­ral notes, hon­ey­suck­le and pear.

A ver­sa­tile white wine; while it is delight­ful on its own, the acid­i­ty in the wine makes it a bril­liant food pair­ing part­ner. Some foods to part­ner with Sec­ond Date 22 include grilled lemon-herbed chick­en and a sliced toma­to basil sal­ad with goat cheese. We also rec­om­mend com­ple­ment­ing the salin­i­ty of the wine with the sweet and salty meat of crab or shrimp.

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