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Holiday Wine + Food Pairings

Thibido gift sets to pair with your hol­i­day meal or gift this season.

Mixed Trio Gift Set

If you’re look­ing for a gift to impress, look no fur­ther than the Mixed Trio Gift Set. Three hand­craft­ed wines with unique back­sto­ries to cap­ti­vate and enhance any gath­er­ing and every hol­i­day table. Beau­ti­ful­ly wrapped in our cus­tom logo box, these three wines make hol­i­day pair­ing easy:

First Date 2021 Grenache Blanc + But­ter Roast­ed Turkey with Mush­room Gravy: The bright acid and cit­rus fla­vors of this Rhône white ele­vate a per­fect­ly roast­ed turkey and all the fixings.

The Bed­fel­low 2020 Syrah + Green Beans with Bacon Lar­dons: Dark lay­ers of spice and the sub­tle tan­nins of this Syrah com­ple­ment sea­soned green beans and savory bacon. Also pairs well with baked yams and smoked ham.

Best Day Rosé 2021 Grenache + Cit­rus Sal­ad with Pome­gran­ate Dress­ing: Mouth-water­ing water­mel­on and straw­ber­ries tan­ta­lize in this estate grown Grenache Rosé. Enjoy a glass of this ele­gant wine along­side a bright cit­rus sal­ad on a bed of arugu­la, topped with pome­gran­ate dressing.

Share a big gift from a small brand at your hol­i­day meal.

Retail: $149

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Pair + One Gift Set

Gift this set to your host or pour these wines at your next hol­i­day celebration.

Two bot­tles of First Date 2021 Grenache Blanc made in ter­ra cot­ta ampho­ra drinks well as an apéri­tif or along­side raw oys­ters, roast­ed turkey or duck.

One bot­tle of Just Because 2020 Syrah offers vel­vety tex­ture, a myr­i­ad of spice and bright fruit with an under­tone of old-world earth­i­ness in this car­bon­ic home­run. Named Edi­tor’s Choice with an across the board 93-point score from Wine Enthu­si­ast, Jeb Dun­nuck, and Sun­set International.

Retail: $139

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