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Not A Dry January

Not dry at all!

Let’s be hon­est, dry Jan­u­ary is a rough way to kick off the new year. And this year has been the wettest Jan­u­ary in Cal­i­for­nia in a very long time. If you’re goal is to get healthy”, life is too short to cut out the good stuff. Con­sid­er the fact that red wine is a cham­pi­oned ingre­di­ent for heart health and here are a few facts about why wine in your life makes per­fect sense in 2023: 

  • Red wine can boost car­dio­vas­cu­lar health! Red wine con­tains key antiox­i­dants, notably polyphe­nols. Resver­a­trol, antho­cyanins, cat­e­chins, and tan­nins are essen­tial polyphe­nols in red wine, and con­tribute to reduc­ing inflam­ma­tion, improv­ing heart-pro­tec­tion effects, and enhanc­ing glu­cose metab­o­lism. Con­tri­bu­tion of Red Wine Con­sump­tion to Human Health Protection”

+ FACT: Red Wine Is An Aphrodisiac

If it’s high alco­hol drinks that are putting you in a state, try shop­ping low­er alco­hol wines. Thibido’s Best Day Rosé is a medi­um-bod­ied Grenache Rosé with 14% alco­hol and pleas­ing notes of water­mel­on and straw­ber­ries. It pairs with shell­fish and mild cheese and is a great day drink­ing wine with brunch.

If you’re uncon­vinced and insist on prac­tic­ing a Dry Jan­u­ary”, then be sure to cel­e­brate the arrival of Feb­ru­ary with some qual­i­ty bev­er­ages: Just Because 2021 car­bon­ic Syrah is a tan­ta­liz­ing, unique liba­tion worth whet­ting your palate after 31 days of restraint. And your heart will thank you, too.